Do you want some cannas?? Come and get them!!

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Can you get to Marietta?? I need to get these cannas out to plant a scarlett oak tree that is waiting for the prime real estate. They all have to go by hard frost.

I am going to list them for sale on craigs list, but of course DG'er friends get em for being nice, or you can bring me a plant :)

I will probably open this up for postage.. but not until I try to get them all out locally without shipping. I thought I was sure of the variety and now i'm not so sure.. I have it written down (somewhere?) and need to check. They came from the canna co-op a few years ago, and those threads are all gone or else I could go backcheck.

posting more pics.. :)


Thumbnail by soulgardenlove
Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

A little too much light in this picture, but her it is.. Can you believe someone came up into my yard and stole my flamingos??!!


Thumbnail by soulgardenlove
Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)


$10000000000000000000000000000000 !!


Thumbnail by soulgardenlove
Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

I've got lots of them!!!!!!


Thumbnail by soulgardenlove
Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

Susan, Glad to hear from you!
I wish I could come. Still thinking hard about it.
Just want you to know I think your arrangement with the cannas, irises and daylilies is absolutely goreous, not to mention the lovely pink flamingos! Who in their right mind would encroach upon your property! How dare they.


Dacula, GA(Zone 7b)


Do you know what canna they are? I have a red one named lippo or lipo. It has yellow edges on the flowers. And I think it may be shorter than yours. I can trade that or nanho blue butterfly bush seedlings. Or green sage ( the herb). I don't have much else right now. Let me know. Thanks, Becky

PS. The hibiscus I got from you at the swap last fall is blooming. Huge white/light yellow flowers.

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Thanks Deborah! :)

Becky, you have been so absolutely generous to me with your plants. You are absolutely welcome to as many as you want :) If you are not planning on coming this way, let me know how many you want and I will ship them to you for postage.

Dacula, GA(Zone 7b)

Hi Susan, I forgot to watch this thread and haven't come back for a week. I think I can make it to Marietta. I like to drive, just not in traffic. It may not be for a couple weekends though. I am trying to get an area cleared to put a shed. Its full of briars and small trees. And I can only do it Saturdays. I work most Sundays so I sometimes get Friday afternoons off. Would that be a convenient time for you? Friday afternoon I mean. LMK. Thanks. Becky

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Yes Becky, thats fine.. Just make sure it is before first frost... then we wont know where they are!! :)

I'm going to attempt to plant a scarlet oak today in the middle of the cannas and I will have to cut down the back part of the circle just to gain access.. if it is not possible for me to plant without digging up tubers, hmmm.. then I'll; have tubers ready for the taking today!! I'll still have another couple hundred though!!! :)


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