Suggestions, please

Evans, GA(Zone 7b)

Already thinking about next year and what would be good plants to cascade over the raised bed walls. It's a sunny location, usually has ample water from sprinklers. The front 6 inches are packed with small stones for drainage, so I would have to plant beyond that. I would like something easy care, preferably with continual blooms or interesting foilage. I have used purple heart for the last two years, but have decided that despite the color they aren't quite right.

Dacula, GA(Zone 7b)

Try Ice Plant (delosperma). I have it planted in shade, but I think it will take full sun. Picture is from last year. It has cascaded down the wall and rooted at the bottom this year. It was covered in blooms for about 2 months til it got hot. Becky

Thumbnail by beclu727
Dacula, GA(Zone 7b)

Here's a closeup of the flower.

Thumbnail by beclu727

Verbenas. I have a lovely Taylor Town Red, and some other type (maybe Ron Deal) which is a gorgeous pinky purple. More fushia than the Homestead. It looks good with the ice plant.


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