Regards to all my DG Pacific Northwest gardening bud-eez

Hastings, MI(Zone 5b)

I am visiting the Seattle area for a wedding, and just wanted to blop
in and tell everyone in this beautiful area, hi!

I live in Michigan, so seeing all these lush foliage pines is quite
a treat for me.
I saw the pacific ocean yesterday, (I am blown away)(you all are sooo
lucky) and Olympia National Forest cliffs, and tall pines, moist air
and gentle sun. What a place!

See you on line in Michigan Gardening

Tacoma, WA(Zone 8a)

Thanks for the Howdy Sheri, this is a beautiful area, is'nt it. And the Pacific Ocean... wow. I live here and I'm still awwwed by it.


Shelton, WA(Zone 8a)

I've always said when the sun shines there's not a more beautiful place than the good old PNW! Have a pleasant visit. Hope your wedding was last weekend, not next weekend! Weather looks like it's turning for the season already. Sigh.

NOOOOOOOoooooooooo!!!! Take it back! The weather is NOT turning! I refuse to encourage it!

Thanks for stopping in, Sheri! You have to know that people who live here for long get a little bit insane when the weather starts to turn ugly. We see it coming and know what we are in for. Glad you stopped in during some beautiful weather!
You were blown away by the Pacific...and earlier this year I felt the same way about Lake Michigan! That's a LAKE???

Shelton, WA(Zone 8a)

Pixy -- what's that old saying about the Nile? lol

De -Nile is a really great place? or is it De-Nile is what keeps me happy? A river runs through it???

Shelton, WA(Zone 8a)

Denial is NOT a river in Egypt. lol.

Yes, It IS a river in Egypt. I must now go in search of a virgin to sacrifice. Wish me luck.

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