Weather: September's Dailly Weather #2 It's a dab cooler!

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

63.3°, 55% sunny, breezy.

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Hello Everybody! It's 53* & just right! We might have a light frost tonight, but we live in the trees & won't have to worry much about the plants. However! I did put my potted ferns & ivy against the house ~ under the eave ( just to be safe).

Great Pix! ~ Kiska & Rannveig!

Kelli, I do hope the fires die soon ~ for everybodies sake.:)

Gotta go study ~ I've got 4! tests next week. And I have to write a paper on our field trip.


(Zone 3b)

music2keep: your field trip sounded very interesting and I find it surprising that there is such a long history with the hatchery. 70 years ago, here, Palmer was just a place in the wilderness - being settled by families brought up, mostly from WI; MI, and those northern tier states. They were hard-working, hardy families who were pioneers in every sense of the word. Glad you like the pics....
kelli-is the smoke getting any denser in your area?
rannveig: today's sunrise 7:40am, set at 8:04pm.

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Kiska, The town that I live in was chartered in 1803 & at that time was Virginia. My front property line is an 1803 wagon road that leads to what was an old "race" that was used for a mill. The old mill is now a house. The house sits right on top (almost) of the stream. The head waters of this same stream (Rich Creek) is where the trout hatchery (that we toured yesterday) is located.

I wish I had taken my camera! ARGGG! I never have it when I need it! :-))

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Joey, I wish you were closer, I'd love to come visit the hatchery, old mill race, etc,

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Darius, You're not that far away!... About 2 hours? And have you ever been to the Bastian Wolf Creek Indian museum? It's about 50 minutes from my house. :-)) I live 20 minutes (max) for I-77.

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

AM Temps in the low fifties. Got up to about 60 degrees, very cloudy, dark, no rain. Low for tonight is suppose to be 45 degrees. Normally our highs are in the low 70's. Seems very cool for this time of year.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Joey, I'll dmail you in a couple of days. Don't want to hijack the thread.

(Zone 5a)

Good morning everyone! It's a chilly morning up here - 46F, light breeze and sunny :-) Looks like a nice day ahead - hope you all have a good one!

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

48.0°, 77%, haven't been out yet.

Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

The pictures are so beautiful - they look like paintings. Well, It's a beautiful 57this morning - just lovely! The high today is 85....this is the kind of weather I love! I know it won't last, wish it would though.
Indy - there are some "Atkins" here, they could possibly be your old friends!
Joey - good luck on your test!
Kelli - I hope the fires stay away.
Have a great day everyone!

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Hellooo!! It's a glorious 45* ~ Kiska, We getting there! It's soooo nice & No Frost. :-)) I thought that it was a little early for that, anyway. We usually don't get one of those good ones until mid Oct. But this global warming is turning everything around.

The elevation where I attend school is much higher & their temp this morning is 37*. Their temps generally run 8* cooler, as we are in a valley.

Thanx for the well wishes, MySharona....I have 4 tests in 3 days! I'll be studying All week-end! :-))

Have a Great Day! Everyone!


So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Sidney, Happy Birthday!

It was 36º on my porch at 8:15, don't know what the low was but I don't think we had frost.

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Where's the party!!!? Happy Birthday!! Sidney!

Thumbnail by music2keep
(Zone 5a)

Yes, Happy Birthday Sidney! Hope you have a nice one :-)

(Zone 3b)

Good morning and happy birthday Sidney-have a great day. At 8am it's looking to be a partly cloudy day, temp of 34 right, should get up into the 50's.
music2keep: love the history surrounding your home/area.
Last night's sunset veiw from the deck. around 7:45pm..

Thumbnail by kiska
Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Happy Birthday Sidney! I hope you have an outstanding day!!

Thumbnail by MySharona
L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

Happy birthday, Sidney! :-)

Nice weather today. It was clear earlier, but some smoke has moved in, high in the sky, and the lighting has that strange yellow-pink color again.

Updated: 11:51 AM PDT on September 21, 2006
Observed at: Van Nuys, California
Elevation: 797 ft / 243 m
77 °F / 25 °C
Partly Cloudy
Humidity: 34%
Dew Point: 46 °F / 8 °C
Wind: Calm

Virginia creeper is starting to turn red.

Thumbnail by Kelli
(Zone 5a)

Kiska, wonderful view! Joey, very interesting to read about the history of where you live! Getting chilly here, currently 47- supposed to freeze tonight (clear skyes)! :-( Had to move the goldfish in tonight so they're back in a tight living space for the winter.
I'm off to Copenhagen in the morning - I think it's supposed to be sunny and warm there over the weekend so I'm looking forward to a summer bonus! :-)

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Sorry, Folks, I made a Boo-Boo about Birthdays today. The list showed Sugar_FL who is also a friend but my pea brain read sugarweed. Hey, doesn't hurt to have birthday wishes 2X a year, does it?

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

I don't think she wants to age twice as fast, though. ;-)

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

We hope you're having a great un-birthday, Sidney! LOL

Current conditions:
Partly Cloudy with thunderstorm watches for this evening, 90°F (32°C)
Humidity: 54 %
Wind Speed: SW 14 G 26 MPH
Barometer: 29.69" (1005.7 mb)
Dewpoint: 71°F (22°C)
Heat Index: 96°F (36°C)
Visibility: 10.00 mi

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

69.6°(F), 49%, sunny, calm.

Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Sidney - Have a party anyway!!!! Kelli the Virginia Creeper is beautiful!


(Zone 3b)

Extra birthday wishes just double the fun-not the years, Sidney. How's the job? Must be about half-way through?
It's nearly 3pm, my 5 year old DG is here; we've been outdoors, but the wind has picked up and even though it's up to 50, it seems cooler. The sky is now a steely gray and looks as if the snow line will be a bit lower by morning.
Photo of Resurrection Bay, Seward, Alaska

Thumbnail by kiska
Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Good Morning! Everybody! It's a great 51* ! here.

Sidney... The wishes were well intended 'Hope that your day was still Great!

Have A Great Day! :-D

Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Good Morning everyone!
Kiska - you've shown us some beautiful pictures - sure looks chilly to me! I'd love being in the 50's and 60's. Summer here lasts 8 months. It's 64 now and the high today is 86. Have a great day, I'm going to play in the dirt for a while!

(Zone 3b)

8am:It's been very early winter-like all night. The wind is blowing the light rain sideways and the snow-line did drop a lot on the mts. Once it's light enough out, I'll step out for a photo. The temp. is 45 degrees.
I'm looking forward to seeing the changing color on the Virgina Creeper, kelli.
8 months of summer seems like a good thing; we flew down to Orlando in Dec. a couple of years ago, and had to keep reminding ourselves that it wasn't July...very interesting to see flowers blooming in the middle of winter.

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

My feet are cold. It's too chilly for shorts and sandals, but I'm not going to change clothes. It will warm up later.

Updated: 8:51 AM PDT on September 22, 2006
Observed at: Van Nuys, California
Elevation: 797 ft / 243 m
64 °F / 18 °C
Mostly Cloudy
Humidity: 70%
Dew Point: 54 °F / 12 °C
Wind: 8 mph / 13 km/h from the East

It is damp and dewy right now, but there is a fire warning for the weekend.

A red flag warning remains in effect from 6 PM Friday to 6 PM PDT
Offshore winds are expected to begin late Friday afternoon or
evening with rapidly lowering humidities. Offshore winds are
expected to peak late Friday night into early Saturday afternoon
when northeast winds of 30 to 40 mph with local gusts to 55 mph can
be expected below passes and canyons. At the same time... relative
humidities are expected to fall to the lower teens and single
digits. Winds are expected to diminish late Saturday and Sunday...
however... single digit relative humidities are expected to continue
through Sunday afternoon.
A red flag warning means that critical fire weather conditions are
either occurring now... or will shortly. A combination of strong
offshore winds... low relative humidity... and warm temperatures will
create explosive fire growth potential.

When the Virginia creeper starts to turn color, it is a sign that Santa Ana wind conditions will be starting. It will be windy like this off and on up until Christmas.

(Zone 3b)

kelli,So turning red is not a good thing - don't the Santa Ana winds bring more fire danger?

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

But I hope with no fire....'Be thinkin' about ya.


Ooops, Kiska....was posting when you were.:-)

This message was edited Sep 22, 2006 11:39 AM

(Zone 3b)

this is such fun-bouncing from thread to thread. How did you know we were posting at the same time?

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

Santa Ana winds do mean more fire danger, but it's all part and parcel of the climate. The wind itself doesn't bother me. The low humidity can bother my sinuses but I run the humidifier and I'm o.k. I am not in a really major fire danger zone. I'm half a block from some wild lands, but it's all grassland, which doesn't produce as dangerous of fires as chaparral. The closest fire has gotten since we've lived here was half a mile to a mile. There was a lot of smoke and some ash but no one over here had to evacuate or anything like that.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

LOL, I just thanked Darius for the great card she sent, and thought there must be some glich under birthdays.;)
Here is a new thread for us to post in
Do come on over!

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