Weather: September's Dailly Weather #2 It's a dab cooler!

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

After 1,000 miles from Jacksonville, Fla. to York, Pa. About every miler driven the temp was 80º. I am looking for a place to stay for the next 40 nights. God willing I will find one tomorrow.
York, Pennsylvania
Elevation: 466 ft / 142 m
67.3 °F / 19.6 °C
Partly Cloudy
Humidity: 66%
Dew Point: 56 °F / 13 °C
Wind: Calm
Please continue to drop by often and post your pictures and what's happening in your neighborhood.
This was an interesting shot I caught today.

Thumbnail by sugarweed
Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

You really need to post the link on the other thread .. so folks know where to come!

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

LOL, I can only zap around just so fast.

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

Kool -

(Zone 5a)

Good morning and thanks for the new thread Sugarweed! Hope your stay in Pennsylvania will be pleasant and that you'll soon find a place to stay!! Nice photos.
Todays weather: still raining, but not as much as yesterday and a bit windy (but again an improvement from yesterday :-) ) temp. 50F

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Good Mornin' Everybody! It's a pleasant 61 degrees. Jack has been up & at 'em since 4:30. What's that saying..."No rest for the wicked"? I think one of my neighbors gave him something yesterday that didn't agree with him. :( They just can't resist, I suppose.

Beautiful pic, sugarweed. Any place I know? Welcome to this neck of the woods ~ hope you find a place soon. :-))

Well, Getting ready for an 8:00 a.m. class.....Have a good day!

Thumbnail by music2keep
Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

65.7°(F), 91%, clear,calm it's off to work we go............

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Well the picture was taken off of I-81 just north of the Md/Pa border. Those hills were just pastel.
York, Pennsylvania
Elevation: 466 ft / 142 m
60.6 °F / 15.9 °C
Humidity: 82%
Dew Point: 55 °F / 13 °C
Wind: 0.0 mph / 0 km/h

(Zone 3b)

good morning and it's good to see that so far today, your temps look very reasonable. Love the photo of the home/rock work and the hills all pink. It's another very pretty morning, 40 degrees/clear and calm. The sun is changing angles very rapidly now as we head toward the dark time. Before long, it's going to be skimming along behind the mts. As of now, it's coming up "sideways" to the's quite interesting to watch the change..
Moose find a way to get to the apples...(sorry, it didn't attach correctly) not sure what's wrong & can't see how to delete..

Thumbnail by kiska
(Zone 5a)

Hi kiska - please try again with the moose photo I'm dying to see it! We're losing light fast here as well - the shadows are getting very long. Sunrise was at 6:39 am and sunset will be at 8:09 pm today. It's stopped raining, partly cloudy, pretty windy and 52 at the moment.

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

70.7°(F), 87%, overcast

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

It's 68* and overcast. We had rain a couple of times this morn. I haven't emptied the guage for a while now, so I don't know how much we got today.

I put 3 trays of tomatoes on the dehydrator early, made salsa, and cheese sourdough muffins.

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

"cheese sourdough muffins" And how - exactly - do we get to this breakfast?

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)


Actually, they're supposed to have bacon in them too. That's really good!

(Zone 3b)

Noon, and I've just finished some errands; it's now up to 53 degrees, still sunny and warm. The trees are quickly changing to yellow. Here, we get very few colors, but the yellow is just beautiful in the sunlight. The tundra and blueberry shrubs turn red.,
Ranneveig: our daylight hours are much the same: 7:18am>8:30pm for today.
There were twins and momma moose enjoying the currants and apple tree. The netting was annoying to them, not a deterrent.

Thumbnail by kiska
Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

Kiska, have you read the "Moose Matador" thread?

good read!

(Zone 3b)

Dyson - yes, I just recently read it. Luckily, it does make for a very funny story..some moose encounters here have been serious and even, deadly. They are very unpredictable and large...

(Zone 5a)

Thanks for posting that photo Kiska! My girls loved it - they wanted to pet them and were very surprised when I told them that they'd probably not take to that very kindly! If it's noon in Alaska then there's an 8 hour time difference - it's almost 9 pm here and time to put the girls to bed :-)

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

It's fairly hot, but I've been inside most of the day so it doesn't matter to me much.

Updated: 1:51 PM PDT on September 11, 2006
Observed at: Van Nuys, California
Elevation: 797 ft / 243 m
94 °F / 34 °C
Humidity: 27%
Dew Point: 55 °F / 13 °C
Wind: 7 mph / 11 km/h Variable
Pressure: 29.89 in / 1012 hPa (Falling)
Heat Index: 92 °F / 33 °C

Thumbnail by Kelli
Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

I used to work on a horse racing track (standardbred) and when I think of Moose I think - Horse+Antlers = could be ouch!

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Truly, the moose that charged me in Yellowstone was bigger than a horse - and those antlers look a lot like shovels.
[ I had a backpacking permit, he wasn't impressed ]

High temp for the day is out there right now: 86* delightful degrees - low this morning was 55* and it's down to 12% humidity. This is helpful with DS's fruit drying endeavors. just about a perfect day.

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

Maybe he needed glasses (the moose not your DS).

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Great moose picture, kiska. :-))I get excited when I see wildlife. :-D

And Kelli, your lilly is beautiful!

I didn't realize that there was that much of a time difference between Iceland & Alaska. I guess I wasn't thinking.
Isn't the PC a wanderful thing?:-)) There is sooooo much diversity on this thread.

70* & "fall-ish"....Love it


Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

Blooms, what kind of fruit is he dyring? I wanted to try and dry some tomatoes this year but had a dismal crop failure.

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

He's doing pears right now. and apples of course

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

I've got to find a good local source for both, don't have enough room to grow them here. Come to think of it I just need to find a place w/more land!

(Zone 3b)

Those fresh fruits and veggies sound so good!
Sugarweed: are you settled in there? After your 40 days, do you return to Florida for good?

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

The next door neighbors kid just brought me a dozen pears off their tree. Edited to say - Sweet!

Enough to drool over anyway.

68.7°(F) (and dropping), 81%

Clear & Calm.

This message was edited Sep 11, 2006 7:45 PM

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Well, I always have to travel although there is rumor that a Jax based Oil company is going to build 3 ethanol refineries. That would be great.
I love the travel and running into fellows I haven't seen in 10 years and going over great old times.
If I can get established as a safety lady I'll give it 10 more years.

I am hoping I have a good place to set up my sewing machine. I have seen several new ways to piece quilt tops and I want to try some soon. It will keep me out of saloons, LOL and Casinos...........maybe.
I has been in the 60s all day today, not wet though.

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Ah, I love pears. Got a basket of the little Sickel pears at the local community farmers auction on Friday. They are almost ready to can. These are the llittle ones that are put into a jar whole, covered with brandy and sugar water and spices and processed. No you can't drink the juice - they are for Christmas!

Glad to hear Sugar is in York. Didn't get out of the 60's up here today. Grey, overcast all day - perfect for working outside, digging up an old locust stump. If I had known how hard it was, would have dug it 20 yrs. ago. LOL

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Well today it's supposed to be sunny after the overcast burns off.
Middletown, Pennsylvania
Elevation: 308 ft / 94 m
57 °F / 14 °C
Humidity: 82%
Dew Point: 52 °F / 11 °C
Wind: 8 mph / 13 km/h from the ESE
60% chance of rain wed and thurs.

Thumbnail by sugarweed
Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Well, Good Morning! I'm getting a late start on the day. Mother Nature waits on noone.
It's 60* & I think we're in for some rain this afternoon. It's quite overcast. But we need a little, as I had to water my flowers yesterday.

Pears...YUMMMM! I think I like them better than apples & I Love apples. :-))

Sugarweed, I love quilts. I have made only one & gave it to my sister when she got married. I have plans of making more...but need to be in the mood. I suppose school has been a little much. I have some material to make a Log cabin....This may be appropriate for another forum....Getting carries away (as usual)

Have a good day All!


(Zone 5a)

Good afternoon everyone! It's still windy, not raining at the moment but overcast and 54. Just plain regular icelandic weather - I'm getting fed up with all this wind! Unfortunately we're due to get a storm on thursday with even heavier winds and rain :-(

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Yes rann, I believe the last of florence is headed your way. Batten down the hatches!

(Zone 5a)

Yeah, I might have to take a walk around the garden and pick up things that might fly off otherwise! So it's florence we're expecting to drop in on us - they usually don't tell us the names of these fall depressions - since they're no longer tropical systems once they reach us. Still nice to know who will be dropping by! :-) Thanks sidney - are you settled in yet?

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

59 degrees all morning, grey day no rain. Excellent day to work outside.

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Sunshine. no clouds, except for the pop up ones over the mtns.
80* right now
90* expected hi
54* low this morning
17% humidity

Beautiful morning out there and the afternoon is looking like time to take a drive.

Thumbnail by BloomsWithaView
(Zone 3b)

BloomsWithaView: you made my day with the photo of the morning glory...they were always a childhood favorite and have been unable to grow them here.
Another lovely day; nearly 50 degrees, sunny and crisp, with a high of nearly 60 by the end of the day.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Hey, y'all - Just catching up. It's raining here in central Ohio...And raining, and raining. I'm really not complaining, because it is doing the watering for me and letting me enjoy a day inside without feeling guilty. ;) We've a flood warning in our area, but at least we're on a hill and have a sump pump.

Temperature 65°F
Light Rain
Feels Like 65°F
Dew Point 64°F
Humidity: 96%
Pressure: 29.99 inches
Wind: From the Southeast at 8 mph

Tonight: Rain likely with a few thunderstorms. Low 61F. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph. Rainfall possibly over two inches.

Tomorrow: Rain showers in the morning with scattered thunderstorms arriving in the afternoon. High 68F. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 40%.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Woke up at 4:45 am to a chilly, breezy, 59*. When the day brightened, I dumped last night's 1/2'' rain out of the guage. I picked up the neighbors walnuts because my 3 trees aren't very good. Shelled, rinsed and set 3/4 bucketful in the garage to drain most of the water. Tomorrow, I'll set screens on the side porch and get them drying. Just got my walnuts picked up so I could mow and it started misting. Well, tomorrow is another day!

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