kudzu, arrow bamboo and violets

Tucker, GA(Zone 7a)

We have a lovely garden, although one corner is filled with arrow bamboo that is moving up the yard fast. The yard behind ours has kudzu, which is growing over the bamboo, doubling the problem. Any thoughts on how to control or remove either or both?
Also, most of our borders (and increasingly the lawn) are filled with violets. Any toughts on removal control?

Violets are really tough. I have gotten rid of them as much as I have only by digging them out in June, which is before their almost invisible secondary flower which provides the seed to start more. There are some professional sprays that lawn companies use, but with varying degrees of success. You need to keep at them.
To begin killing the kudzu, start now. Cut the tip off of the vine, let it drink in a lovely, little diluted drink of "total kill"...pour the kill into cups that are secured well and then covered with some tin foil (so no creatures will drink from it). I have partially burried small soda bottles, and then stuck the vine ends into that. Smashing the vine end or cutting it makes it drink up more. Like a straw. This takes a few years to work, but it will eventually keep the stuff at bay. You can also check to see if your county has kudzu removal laws for properties.
We have bamboo in a newly purchased part of our yard. I dig it up, spray the area with total kill. Again, it is a battle which takes years. Be patient!


Jonesboro, GA(Zone 7b)

Saw a garden show once where the guy buried a 2 foot deep piece of aluminum flashing to contain bamboo. I assume that'd work. Since it originates at a neighbors, that's what I'd do. It will always come back otherwise. Lots of work, but worth it. If you do it, be sure to soak the ground before you begin digging--makes the work a lot easier. Or plan to do it after an afternoon of heavy rain (thank goodness those are more frequent now). On the kudzu problem, plan now to devote yourself to eradicating it. Most people make a start at it but then give up. It can destroy your property value. I'd even consider organizing the neighbors to fight it together. This is one time I do believe in herbides.

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

Gasoline and a lighter? That might not do it actually.

Camilla, GA(Zone 8a)

24DAmine will get it, especially the kudzu and bamboo..


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