A Few Photos MBDS Show

Aptos, CA

Here are some random photos of our Monterey Bay Dahlia Show...it was wonderful, I had tons of fun and won lot's of first awards!!!!!!

Our President ( Kevin Larkin of Corralitos Gardens ) getting the tables prepped

Thumbnail by sudhira
Aptos, CA

Breaking down after the show end..these are some of the blooms I entered

Thumbnail by sudhira
Aptos, CA

Powder Puff Polka the cutest anemone

Thumbnail by sudhira
Aptos, CA

Kenora Fireball

Thumbnail by sudhira
Aptos, CA

Moray Susan

Thumbnail by sudhira
Aptos, CA

Reijmans Polish Kid

Thumbnail by sudhira
Aptos, CA

The hall of flowers

Thumbnail by sudhira
Aptos, CA

More blooms

Thumbnail by sudhira
Aptos, CA

Hillcrest Kismet

Thumbnail by sudhira
Aptos, CA

People Staging their Blooms

Thumbnail by sudhira
Aptos, CA

Kenora Sunset??

Thumbnail by sudhira
Aptos, CA

Scarborough Brilliant

Thumbnail by sudhira
Aptos, CA

i thnk this one is Belle Fiore

Thumbnail by sudhira
Aptos, CA

Floating Waterlilly

Thumbnail by sudhira
Aptos, CA

Hollyhill Spiderwoman

Thumbnail by sudhira
Aptos, CA

Dean Barnes 87 years young, grows 700...originated Bar Nugget, Bar Proclaim, Bar Bonnie O and others

Thumbnail by sudhira
Aptos, CA

Bar Nugget

Thumbnail by sudhira
Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Gorgeous photos and blooms, sudhira! Thanks for sharing them!

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Oh, Sudhira, how nice of you to show us all this.
What did you win???
Tell us???
I just love the floating waterlilies! So cool I think seeing them floating!
That older guy wasn't so sure about his pic being taken, huh, lol
My, 700, can't imagine having or remembering that many!

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

I agree- great show of the show! Mr. Barnes looks verrrrrrrry serious about his dahlias doesn't he? I hope he lives to 110! Bar Nugget is gorgeous.

Congratulations on your ribbons and awards! You have some beauties there.

Thumbnail by Poochella
Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Oops: I sent that photo to show the nearly uniform containers for showing a dahlia up here: black or dark green, topped with green or white puffy foam stuff. I have no idea what the foam is or what it sits upon, but there are no vases, bowls etc, except for floating waterlilies.

Aptos, CA

Yes Pooch...I asked our President about the vases Ihave seen used in other shows...He said it seems that each region seems to use different types...pacific Southwest Dahlia Conference uses a wide array of bowls/cup type vessels. We utilize floral pin frogs to secure the blooms..I am now on the look out for garage sale finds, so that I may enter more flowers next year...It was really fun, and I encourage those of you toying with the idea to enter, to do so..Great fun!

Aptos, CA

Hi Daisy...the blooms I entered won all firsts ( except for Pinelands Princess )...some one best in the entire class, and 2 went to Court of Honor to compete against Amateur and Open...sadly they did not stay there...but I was happy about it none the less...Firepot won 'People's Choice' and prince Valient one first in the "Prince Valient' section...I won cash prozes totalling a whopping $15.00, which will buy me a couple of me tubers! It was SO much fun, I can't begin to tell you!!!

Marquette, MI(Zone 5a)

Good for you, WooHoo, congratulations.!! Winning ribbons & Prizes for our lovelies is so gratifying. First ya have to decide which one and then prep it and then wait wait wait. Anticipation...
I find old lead frogs at antique stores, picked another one up last weekend. It's the tiny ones that are hard to find. Joann fabric and craft stores sell frogs, they're not lead, but still pretty heavy duty.
Love your photos, more ! more! more!

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Well, I think you did good then!
Am proud of you, hehe, to know you as a DG person then.
Winning $15 sure will buy a few more tubers to try then next year.
I will have to look for those frog pins you are talking about then. Am not sure what you mean tho. Got an actual pic of one?

I bet it is fun. The dahlia societies are either 1 1/2 or 1 hr away so............ been meaning to try one but haven't had time yet. Someday, is on my list of things to do.............

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Carol, these are flower frogs: http://www.marniturkel.com/Pages/Vases/PinFrogs&Covers/2.Oval.frogs.0204.jpg Put them in the bottom of your vase to hold the stems where you want them.

Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

Sudhira, what great fun and your photos are wonderful. That Bar Nugget is stunning.

Chicago, IL

Congratulations, sudhira. How wonderful. And thanks for the lovely photos.
I like the floating waterlilies too. :-)

Aptos, CA

oops I enterd the same window twice..sorry

This message was edited Sep 10, 2006 4:28 PM

Thumbnail by sudhira
Aptos, CA

Yes, the floating waterlilly are some of my favs..I love the WL's! Today I took some bloom's to the County Fair, staged them early cuz I have so much to do around here...don't figure I'll win, but it is a learning process...I found out today that I am picking blooms that are a bit too mature...oh well...it is still fun!

I can't't figure out this one...Hollyhill Electra perhaps??

Thumbnail by sudhira
Aptos, CA

oh my...3 times??? hhhmmmm

This message was edited Sep 10, 2006 4:29 PM

Thumbnail by sudhira
Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

You must really want to know its name, hehe
Very bright orange tho!

Mendy, I knew the frog for holding the flowers as you say but it sounded like it was something else that I didn't know. Duh, I guess on my part.

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Looks great Mrs. Hira

What was the big pink yellow one on the left in the 9:43?

$15 - I hope you get a 1099 - hey it's another year at DG.

Good for Mr. Barnes.

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