Wintering a Canna

Milwaukee, WI

I have finally figured out that I have a Canna X generalis. I really like it but I am in zone 5. I have it on a 3rd floor balcony. I would like to see if I can winter it outside, or if not, what I have to do to winter it indoors. Probably it is just considered an annual in my zone, but it has been a delight to see hummingbirds.

Also, during the summer, should I be cutting off the blooms when they die to keep it flowering?

For wintering, do I have to cut it back, cut off the blooms?

Thanks for any help you can offer.

I am in zone 5 also, and have grown Cannas for years (20). I let the frost take the tops.(They turn brown and droopy). Then I cut the top completely off, about 4-6 inches above the ground. Take the bulb/root out of the soil, clean all the dirt off, and store in a breathable container(paper bag, wicker laundry basket,, etc.-covered with newspapers, old towels, blanket, or sheet, to block the light, and store in a warm dark place like an indoor closet until spring).
You can start them indoors in a pot in March, or wait until it's warm outdoors, and plant in a nice sized patio pot-if you're still going to put on a balcony. If it is to be planted in the ground, follow same procedure. Enjoy!

Thumbnail by Sashagirl
Halifax County, Canada

Can you just bring them inside? Will they still grow? Does the same apply to tuberous begonias? Thanks

You could bring the canna inside-but.... unless you have a wonderfully warm and fully sunny room to put them in, they will suffer quite a bit.
I suppose if you have them in a planter, you could cut the tops back to 6 inches or so, and store them in a dark, cool garage or basement. I have seen the "bulbs" rot, tho. if stored in plastic.
The tuberous begonias due fine indoors in winter-in a bright location. They don't mind the dry heat, and lots of it. Do not over water, especially if it is below 70 degrees farenheit-as they will succumb to cold rot.

San Antonio, TX

I have a question regarding my cannas. I have all of mine in large pots. If I cut them down after they dry would I have to take out the rizomes too? Im in Zone 8. Would u know if that would be the same with any EE's?

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

I'm in zone 8 and mine are in the ground and stay there. If you can put your pots in a protected place like a garage when you are going to have a hard freeze for more than 2 hours they should be just fine.


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