moon flower

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

A man from Dayton, WA was telling me his brother in law had the police stop by his place (in Dayton)and gather up all the moon flower seeds they could find from his front yard where he had several growing. Said there have been several fatalities from kids eating the beans in an attempt to get high. I don't know if the deaths were in Dayton. Ever hear of this?

Sumner, WA(Zone 8a)

Yes. I read about it on the Internet. In some parts of the US, are some garden stores that don't put the moonflower seeds out due to kids coming in and buying large amounts of them to ingest and get high. Basically, ingesting a large quantity of datura seeds results in hallucinations...however, it also can result in death.

There's a ton of information about it on the Web....just Google "datura seeds".

Shelton, WA(Zone 8a)

Didn't recognize either Moon Flower or datura as being a problem, but googling got me the cross reference to Jimson Weed which I do recognize from stories one place or another. It can be really nasty stuff, and very dangerous!

Gotta tell you, my grandfather died when my father was 7 years old. He was asthmatic and smoked jimson weed as some sort of 'treatment'. Guess it didn't work! I think the use of jimson weed must go way back.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

I remember in HS way back in '65 TIME magazine had an article about some southern poor would get high on corn starch. Well, a friend of mine bought a box of corn starch and sat in my back yard w/ corn st. and glass of water attempting to get high. Can you imagine putting a spoonful of cornstarch, dry cornstarch, in your mouth? I think she ended up trying to get it all down w/ more water from garden hose. That was the end of her 'trip' on corn starch.

The things people will do!!

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