Anyone want golden privet?

Athens, OH

I have six Golden Privet, Ligustrum x vicaryi in 1/2 gallon pots.

A couple of delivery options:
1. If you are near Cinci, my friend travels between Cinci and Athens often and can transport the plants for pickup in Cinci.
2. You can come here, say "hi", view the gardens, visit GlassHouse Works and depart with lots of plants.
3. Or you can pay postage.

I also have (readily potted up):
caryopteris x clandonensis (1-2' tall)
euphorbia lathyris
kerria japonica 'flore pleno'

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)


Thumbnail by DustyDS
Athens, OH

I can't see the image. It is stating that it is unauthorized.

Want some?

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Yessem please.......Ill take anything you have to offer....Their final resting place is bare to the bone as Ric can attest to ....
I MAY have a rental there in Kettering.. Im working on arrangements with the owner via email now....

Thats Daves Copyright thingie over the top of my signature thumbnail.

Athens, OH

The rest of the privet are yours. I add them to your stock pile.

Can't wait until you're back in OH. I'll be the one with lots of plants to dump on you!

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

I cant wait either Rox....and Ill be the one loving you forever!!!

Look at this pic that Ric took of our house and yard....This is the one that was willed to our son by his Gramma, but currently has a tennant in it...which is why I need a rental or a place to buy that I can afford... You see why I will NEED Plants?? The Privet can be planted right away next spring when we get up there.. I will just tell our son where I want them and he can take care of that part...The rest will have to stay with me until we get into this house once its empty and remodeled unless we buy a place.....Anytime you are in a dumping mood my dear, you will know where to find me !! LOL I will come next fall and help you dig all of your EE's etc..Ill pack us a picnic lunch and we can make a day of it ... LOL


Thumbnail by DustyDS
Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

These are the 2 sides of the house... didja see that sagging fence by the garage?? Yech!!...

Thumbnail by DustyDS
Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Left side... definitely needs help..

Thumbnail by DustyDS
Athens, OH

Oh my gosh Dusty.
A totally clean slate. Have exciting and scary! me and the EE. I'll remember....(I hope).

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

Hey Dusty.. yes you need plants!! The neighbors will probably be thrilled to see it spiffed up. It looks like there is a covered patio connected to the garage in back. That will be nice for when you have those DG parties :D

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Yes, there is an awning and cement patio off the garage... Good spot for a Hot Tub!!!
I have no clue what the back yard looks like, but from these pics of the front and sides, its a scarey thought.. Im glad I have a few Grandsons up there to come and do some slave labor...


Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

Slave labor is good!

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