Today at Lowe's

Madison, MS

I had so much fun at Lowe's today - my hubby would have died had he been with me! LOL I bought a couple little plants for 25 cents each and then they had this huge shelf full of 3 quart hibiscus that were $2.00 - it said they were marked down because of shipment damage but they looked fine to me. The only problem was I have no idea what I have, it will be fun though to see what they bloom. I'd like to go get some more - but I've got to control myself! Then I went to the back and they had their dumpster inside the gate filled with plants. I really didn't want the plants since most of them were dead or dying annuals, but I really needed the pots and plastic trays and they said I could have as many as I wanted (of course, I had to pull the plant out or it would be 25 cents each). So those will be great for potting stuff up and seeding! Then I looked at the trellis's (the dark wood 6' x 2') they were $11 each and there were 2 of them that had a piece of cross wood that was split, which can easily be mended. I asked if they would discount it and he said he give them to me for $3 each. I love bargains!!! Michelle

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

What a shopper! It will be fun to see what you got. Maybe the damage was loss of identity. : ))

Dead plants for a quarter, unreal. Why would they care. They were in the dumpster after all. Sounds like you had great fun... I'm jealous : ))

Philadelphia, MS(Zone 7b)

Michelle, great timing! You go girl!

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)


Lucky you, great bargains!!!


Lonoke, AR(Zone 7b)

I'm with podster.....I wanna go thereeeeeee!

Great finds, Michelle....way to go! My Lowes and Home Depot stinks! I even told the woman at my Lowes today " people I know in other states get really good deals at THEIR Lowes.....why dont we??" She looked at me like I was crazy....and of course blamed it on her

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

And rightly so........


This message was edited Sep 8, 2006 5:14 PM

Lonoke, AR(Zone 7b)

Yes, Judy....and I am really not exaggerating about them not having the good sales or such. I found a 25.00 huge pot today, called a "Bean Pot"...half the lip of it was broken off, both handles were broken....and I was going to buy it if they would discount it enough.....manager told me 14.00 for it. I told him "No, I dont think about 10.00?" He refused to sell it that low. I just hope he's there next time I go in...I am going to ask him if he's ready to take it down to But they werent always like was a much better store when they first opened. Now it's about like a Wal-Mart as far as plants go. Pitiful!

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

Might I suggest you complain to the head office.... the manager of the store has to call you and report back to the home office. Their profits are down!!


Madison, MS

The Home Depot here in Madison had some perennials that were dying and I asked if they were discounted - they were up front outside the gate. The guy said no and he's never seen them discount anything in the garden area. Something about their guarantee on plants. Just a few minutes after that I passed a man with those same plants on a cart heading to the back - I'm sure to throw them away! That's just horrible!

About the Hibiscus, can I plant them in my yard here or will I have to bring them in? If I can plant them I'd like to go get a few more.


Rienzi, MS(Zone 7a)

Michelle, what zone do you live in?

Usually if one buys a plant from a local gardening store the store sells plants for that growing zone. Tropical Hibiscus will not grow in zones above 8 but Hardiness Hibiscus will grow from 5 down. There is another Hibicus that will grow only in 9 and 10.


Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

I provide winter protection for mine in this zone.

Thumbnail by podster
Madison, MS

I'm in zone 8b

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

I would say if you have frosts/freezes, move them in or cover. I don't think I'd put mine in the ground here. Maybe someone else has done so successfully but I just hated to lose this one. pod

Philadelphia, MS(Zone 7b)

My DH worked for WallyWorld BRIEFLY and tried to "rescue" some plants for me that they were throwing out. They wouldn't let him. He offered to pay for them and they wouldn't do that either. Some sort of policy....they have to report it to the corp office as "lost goods" or something so they get credit. They actually come out better paper-work wise if they show it as a loss rather than discounted. Doesn't make common sense does it?

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Dumpster diving for gardeners... What a shame. I watched a W'mart stapelia melt away over 3 weeks time. Grrrrrr. Wanted to call the plant police. They never would mark it down and it rotted at $9.95. Double GRRRRR!

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