My new terrarium

Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

Here is a photo of my new terrarium. It looks sort of plain but I will add some more plants when I can find some mini ones. This has 3 different types of fittonias in the back and two mini avs in the front. I'm not really sure I like the layout of it but at least I got it made. Feel free to give me your advice or opinions. Oh, I used MG soil for containers in most of it but I hollowed out the soil where the avs are and put my special blend for avs around them.


Thumbnail by Plantcrazii
The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

I think you did a wonderful job! I love the toucan & shell!
Great combination of plants, too. I love fittonias!

The only suggestion I can offer is you might add a little more depth to it by building the soil up in lil hills and valleys.That's a tip from the "design" lessons in some of the books & articles I have on terrariums.

I personally like it just fine the way it is.:) The land is very flat where I come

You should be very proud.

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

Jess very very nice!

DC metro, VA(Zone 7b)

very nice!

I think the fittonias will grow quite rapidly... so perhaps a ground cover like a moss might be nice? or use some plants that will be easy to pull out when it gets cramped in there.

I'm *still* sitting on my aquarium!

Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

Jesse,What an awesome setup! It looks so alive!! I am getting so many good idea from this forum! : ) Nancy

Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks for all the compliments. I'm going to trim the fittonia on the right side down some because it is getting so big. But I'll take some cuttings and make new ones. The mini AVs are doing really well. They did not look so well when I first put them in there. But they have grown new pretty green leaves and I have cut some of the older brown ones off. They seem to really like their new environment. I want to get some ground cover to grow in there to cover up the dirt. So far everything is doing well.


Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

If you don't find suitable ground cover you could use pebbles- smooth dark ones are my favorites. I have found small bags of them at craft stores- other places the stones are too big and the amount you have to buy is to big. I think they call them river rocks.

Saugerties, NY(Zone 5a)

Very pretty. Now I know what I'll do with my old tank :>)

Orlando, FL

Love your tank set up. I am sure you will come up with more ideas to add to it as you sit back and appreciate it;s beauty. I am just getting ready to start my first terrarium ever. I have a 55 gallon tank i am going to start this weekend.

I am curious what kind of bulb you use in your tank light?

Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

The hoods come with both fluorescent and one other type but I forgot the name of it. The one that you want is the fluorescent. That is what I have in mine. And man does it work great.


Orlando, FL

Thank you. So a standard fluorescent bulb will do! That's great!

(Zone 1)

NJJ: Please post photo's when you get your's set up .... I bet it is going to be Beautiful! I would LOVE to have one that size .... just wish I had the room for one that large!


Orlando, FL

I most definitely will post pictures as soon as i get it set up. It may take me a couple of weeks. I will have it set up by the New Year.

Fayetteville, NC(Zone 8a)

Did you ever get your terrarium going? Can we see some more pictures?

I meant to tell you sooner that if you expose your tiger cowry to too much light, the colors will fade. I'm an old shell collector from 'way back and you have to be careful of light on the cowries.

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