Your most persistent five bloomers

Delhi, IA

Some varieties put out lots of blooms, some are rather shy. If you had to pick your most persistent dahlias____those with the most blooms at once or those that it is hard to catch without a bloom, who would it be?

Of mine the Karmas have never been without any, most have over 6 to 8 all the time. My other best bloomers would have to be Fringed Star, Just Peachy, Zorro and little Erica (attached).

I haven't counted up the number that haven't even bloomed yet, but they better get in gear or the weather is going to catch them.

Thumbnail by jamlover
Chicago, IL

Camano Pet and Hillcrest Kismet for me.

Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

Maarn, French Doll, Fire Magic,Coral Frills, and Bubble Gums are the ones that come most quickly to mind. Great idea for a thread, Jam.

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Didn't you have this thread already LOL

Solid performers this year were:
Border's - Extase,Bluesette,Berliner Kleene
Babylon Rose
Stolze Von Berlin 2006 Wannabe
Lucky Number
(picking stuff you haven't posted of course)

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Seattle for sure, in flushes of 4-5 for me.

"I'm Not Really Stolze Von Berlin" has been a constant and consistent bloomer, probably 30 flowers of it already and more form daily. The most robust dahlia plant I've ever grown! It might be a 3 staker by mid September by virtue of girth alone. Thanks Al!

Karma Ventura- the beautiful yellow is almost always in bloom- a few little vacations, but not for long.

Contessa, one of my favorite waterlilies in deep red-orange has wonderful stems and lots of them, but they come in flushes.

Robert Walker, constant small FD blooms in light lav/purple to white/lavender.

The orchids: KKKatie, Honka, Juul's Allstar here-- all have a constant show and constant bud formation.

Karras 150 is a big bloomer too.
Kasasagi yellow red pompon: constant blooms and robust bush.
Mingus Erica- you might have this, Jam- has always been a big bushy dahlia with tons of blooms.
Golden Sceptor- bright vivid yellow blooms always underway or in bloom.
Edinburgh in dark purple and white tipped: plenty of blooms at once.
Riverdance- also a bushy wide dahlia with tons of growth tips and blooms, not necessarily all at once, but enough to keep you interested.
That's what jumps out at me for now.

Delhi, IA

Poochella, I don't have Mingus Erica, but if it's anything like Mingus Toni which I have I'd be interested.
My Karras had flowers earlier___now nothing. Course around here I guess I'd hide my face too if I was white.

I've done a little more reading about insects and their ability to see colors. Apparently deep or intense reds look like green to many bugs. Could explain why my reds and pinks are salvaged from the beatles, while my whites and yellows are viciously attacked.

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Geez, you don't ask for much do you, Jam, LOL

I will say my 'Park Princess' which is a nice pink bloom is constant from the beginning of the season to end with blooms.

'Frizzy Lizzy'
'Lupine Dixie'
'Fire Magic'
and I will say that my 'Sweet Dreams' seem to keep on going with so many blooms too.

Delhi, IA

Al, please put me down for a Stolze Von Berlin 2006 Wannabe if it multiplies. Seattle and Babylon Rose also on my wish list.

Lenjo or Daisyrulffles, see Fire Magic was mentioned by both of you. I need one of those if either of you has an extra.

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Jam - in theory I sent you 2 of those already, they must have not made it. I'll have to start writing this stuff down. I already have a thread with ones to send to you LOL.

your Karras has been stable here, 4-6 flowers all the time.

Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

I definitely will have FireMagic, Jam. Just keep a list and remind me.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

You people keep me at this computer looking up dahlias until I'm smiling like a fool and neighbors think I'm "touched". Thank you all so much!

Delhi, IA

Got a bloom or two to add?? We love all dahlia enthusiasts___join right in.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

American Dream.

Thumbnail by pirl
Marquette, MI(Zone 5a)

Mingus Erica has been a steady bloomer and tuber producer for me for about 5 years or so. Flowers always seem to be bug free and nicely shaped.
Hy Pimento
Kari Fruit Salad, started early and keep on going.
Goshen Calico

Delhi, IA

Mingus Erica_____ bug free____ that's my kind of flower. I have Mingus Toni and it is becoming a new favorite as of late. What color is Erica?

Pirl, lovely American Dream. Looks like you have a real healthy plant there. I like the deeper hints of hue near the center of the bloom.

Marquette, MI(Zone 5a)

Mingus Erica is the dahlia in your photo in thew opening paragraph.

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Pirl, that dahlia is a very pretty large one. Good start on the dahlia lane.............

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Thanks. I have many in bloom and more to come. Along with doss and others I was instrumental in bugging Dave to get the Dahlia forum.

Delhi, IA

Thought my beginning one was just Erica, a pompom, much smaller than my 3 to 4" Mingus Toni.

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Hi Pirl - welcome to Dave's LOL

I think you must of had too long of a dahlia hiatus.

I like the American Dream, I might even be living the American Dream ;)

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

You are a funny guy!

Somehow I didn't have a few forums checked - Dahlias, Hydrangeas and more. So much to catch up on!

I love to look around at our gardens (and home) and feel we're living the American Dream, too, as I'm sure most of us do.

I still do love the anonymous pink dahlia, part of a package from Dutch Gardens, regardless of how lowly anon's are on the scale.

Thumbnail by pirl
Chicago, IL

My other two consistent bloomers are Lavid & Just Peachy.

Delhi, IA

Well I'll be____ looked back at trade mail and yes the full name was Mingus Erica. Somehow I only put Erica on the copper tag, so I finally got it all together. Thanks grannymarsh

Delhi, IA

Just Peachy is a bloomer isn't it!!! What color is Lavid?

Chicago, IL

Lavid is lavender with a darker center. The petals are kinda wavy:

Thumbnail by Pitimpinai
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

That is divine!

Delhi, IA

Neat one also. Like the rather curly tips on the bloom.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Pitimpinai - your brick edging is lovely. Did you have it done or did you do it yourself?

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Lavid is lovely, Nai. A wonderful uniform lavender.

Welcome Pirl. No ID dahlias can be just as pretty as the ones with names- they are just nameless.

Al I nominate you for forum comedian with your oneliners LOL.

I'll add Rothsay Reveler to the persistent bloomer list- a flush of them seems to be in progress at all times since it started blooming

Thumbnail by Poochella
Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Ditto for Haley Jane. From one little tuber erupted this monster plant that always has blooms on it, or forming.

Thumbnail by Poochella
Delhi, IA

Can my name be added to the list of beggers for Rothsay Reveler!! I'd love Haley also, put common sense tells me she would be insect bait here in corn country with her white center. Really lovely however. Here, I can only dream of the pretty whites and very pastels.

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Done, Jam. I think you'd be safe as Rothsay Rev has ~96% dark purple and just mere tips in white.

Renton, WA(Zone 8a)

Pooch, I do believe Rothsay Rev is the unnamed dahlia I have as well. Do your petals lose some of the white as it ages? Haley Jane just got put on my wish list! wow, what a spectacular cactus.

Chicago, IL

This is a fun thread.
pirl, That bed is in my neighbor's yard. She had a landscaper put up the edge. I am planning to move it 2 feet outward. LOL.

I have no lawn wahtsover. :-)

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Aha! So you're part of the No Mo Lawn Society!

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Hi Jburesh, it could be Rothsay Reveller. Ryan C is very similar in dark purple color and even less white tipping, but I don't know that it fades with age. Rothsay hasn't to my knowledge. I have a few Ryan C's in bloom and will look at them tomorrow and report back or Dmail you.

Granny? Does Ryan C's white fade with age?

Chicago, IL

Chimacum Topaz is another persistent bloomer for me.

Thumbnail by Pitimpinai
Chicago, IL

I got 30 blooms on my Camano Pet today and many new buds are forming too. A first for me:

Thumbnail by Pitimpinai
Chicago, IL

From another angle:

Thumbnail by Pitimpinai
Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Holy cow Mone! that would be enough for Jam's first thread on this.

Chimacum looks nice, I have doubles of plants to- he says ever so winking.

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