Little toad story

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

Just a good little story, and I didn't have my camera. I got a load of topsoil yesterday morning and about a third of the way down, I pulled out a shovelful and saw something move! It was a stunned little toad (Gulf Coast toad, I think) and he had apparently been scooped up with the dirt when they were harvesting it -- or quarrying it, whatever you call what they do. He'd been completely encased in the dirt and I think he was in shock. I took him over to the hose and gently washed the dirt off of him, then set him down where I'd seen other toads hanging out. I passed by and saw him three times as I was hauling wheelbarrow loads to the back yard, but finally saw he had at least moved from where I'd placed him. I'm so glad I hadn't chopped him up shovelling the dirt! I'd decided that if I saw him one more time, I'd kiss him and try out that prince thing. Ah, well. Maybe the next toad.

Peoria, IL

Even if that toad was not your prince - your certainly were a princess to that toad.

Baton Rouge area, LA(Zone 8b)

They are amazing how tough they are.

I remember when I was a kid one frog I brought in to show my Mom. It peed in my hand and it dripped on the floor. I ran back outside to save the frog from my Mom that day... :)

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

Why, thank you, joepyeweed. I try.

LOL, gardener -- there's many a critter I had to save from my mother. I'm still occasionally called "Ellie May..."

Baton Rouge area, LA(Zone 8b)

That is funny.LOL

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