San Antonio, TX(Zone 9a)

Last night was the first rain since I don't know how long, and the temp went down to the 70's, maybe now the garden can wake up and start blooming not just surviveing.

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

I'm so glad to hear you got some rain after a long drought. Hope it had lots of lightning to bring on the nitrogen.
I never really appreciated rain and it's benefits until I started gardening. I even remember being mad at the weatherman on TV for saying, "There's a 30% chance of rain." I remember telling my kids, "Now, he really means there's a 70% chance it won't rain."

We've had some too. Glad to see it.

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

it rains every day here Regards Paul

Texas/Okla central b, United States(Zone 7b)

Yes..wooppee......even this OKla desert got 2 inches last weekend...makes a total of 12 this year

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Got over 8 inches here last week. Some parts of the state got more. But we are so dry that the ground just absorbed it. Very little runoff and very little mud which is disappointing for me since I like to go mudding in my truck. No rain yet this week thou heard there is a chance Friday.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 9a)

I'd almost forgotten what rain looked like. Boy, was it a welcome sight. I've lost a lot of my grass and some of my pot plants due to the lack of rain and the strict water restrictions.

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

Pot Plants ??????

(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

LOL!!! ... at least they are useable after they 'dry out'.

We have had over 5 inches in the past 4 weeks here in west TX... everything is finally growing here. No rain for 6 days now. I actually had to turn on the sprinklers yesterday. I see $$$'s instead of water when I turn them on.

Rain is such a wonderful thing... I have always loved it... including big storms.


KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

We have been getting some rain off and on for the past week or so now. The grass shot up so fast that everyone is mowing the same spot every 2 days. We got rain yesterday also so now the grass is growing faster than I can type!! And we have more rain on the way at the end of the week. YEA!!!

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