night blooming cestrum not fragrant

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

any ideas as to why this may be? THe plant is blooming now and has grown well for 1 year, but no scent whatsoever.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Have you stuck your nose up closer to the flowers? When mine was small it didn't have very many flowers so I had to get very close to it in order to smell it, but from what I've heard on other threads as they get bigger and have more flowers it becomes more noticeable. Otherwise, if you don't even notice a scent when you stick your nose in it, maybe post a picture here--it's possible you were sold something else labelled as Cestrum nocturnum, there are some other Cestrum's that aren't very fragrant.

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

Vossner, like ecrane said, I bought a small plant this May and it has grown huge ( considering the size in late May/early June) aand it would periodically get some blooms on it, but I had to stick my nose in it to smell it. I was really bummed out!! lol Then last week, the whole plant exploded with blooms-totally yellow and now it smells really good. If I have the windows open in the living room, at night you can smell it in the house ( its on the deck next to the living room) and when you go outside-its really strong. Heres a picture of it in full bloom-it gets about 8-9 hrs of sun a day

Thumbnail by tigerlily123
East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

thanks guys. My plant is about the size of tigerlily's, but planted inground. By comparing to your pic, it seems mine has the early stage of blooms, no actual white/cream showing. I will try to remember to post a pic

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

vossner, is the whole plant covered in blooms, like mine is? The previous spurts of blooms was very small in comparison to what it is doing now. If yours is, then just wait a few days and the smell should come on strong. I think the plants strength of smell lies in the amt of blooms it has at one time.

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

yes, it looks just like yours. I shall wait (sigh, with a roll of the eyes)

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

oh my Gosh!!!!!

We went to the grocery store last night and as I get out of the car with my bags, this most exquisite fragrance hit me. I said it myself: could it be? so I walked to where my cestrum is planted and indeed, the delightful aroma came from it. I am thrilled. I love those heady fragrances, never too much for me.

My back entrance is approx. 75 ft from where this plant is, and we could smell it like it was right next to us.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I have got to try this one again--I was so disappointed with it at my old house that I didn't include it on the landscaping list for the new one, but now after hearing everyone else's experience and knowing that mine just didn't have enough flowers on it I will have to get myself another one! I'm growing a fragrant garden right outside my master bedroom, so that'll be a perfect place for it.

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

you've GOT to get one!

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

ecrane-I have a bunch that I rooted-I don't have the time until early Nov to send it to you, but if you don't have one then, I will gladly send you one. It should be a good size by then. Just dmail me in early Nov if you haven't gotten one yet.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I actually just ordered one from Kartuz the same night I posted (and of course took the opportunity to order a few other things I didn't really need!) I really appreciate the offer though!

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

I really wanted to order from Kartuz this late spring/early summer, but they were about 6 wks waiting before shipping, and I just don't have that kind of patience! They have a lot of cool stuff. I'm thinking maybe sometime in November there will not be the wait, and they will have had time to grow out plants that they were out of this summer.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I'll let you know how fast this one gets here--the last order I placed with them was in late July or early August and it shipped within a week of when I ordered it. They always say on the website that it can be 6 weeks during their busy season, but only once has it actually taken that long (and that time, I had asked them not to ship during one particular week that I was going to be on vacation, and I think they interpreted that to mean that I didn't want it shipped earlier than that so they waited til I came back).

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

thanks ecrane, I would be interested. I had emailed them and that was the answer he emailed back. He was actually a little terse with the reply, lol. He told me how many orders they had, how long it took to pull the order and pack it and told me to do the math!
I had also asked him about his substitution policy as I had heard that they will just substitute at will if they didn't happen to have the plant that had been ordered, and I don't want substitutions-just send me what you got. He never addressed that part of the email, so I still don't know if you can just tell them no substitutions...

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I always tell them no subs (I know what I want and chances are if I didn't order it I either already have it or I don't want it!) and I've never had problems. I think there's somewhere on the form you're filling out when you order where it asks you if you want to allow substitutions, or if there's not a specific place then I've put it in the comments box. Either way, I've never gotten anything I didn't order.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

I agree yall,
This one makes up for not being very showey by delivering a most heavenly perfume.. I was surprised when I read "no fragrance". While in fact, WOW we should bottle this stuff.

Mine has bloomed at least 3 times so far, and I trimmed off spent ones each time. Tonight it is blooming again, more than ever,, mm so sweet!! I believe I will allow these blooms to seed on the branches this time so I will have seeds. I'm pretty sure it will grow well from cuttings though, and I plan to do that too.


Thumbnail by debnes_dfw_tx
East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

I feel silly asking, but will anyway. If the fragrance supposed to be just a one day thing? Seems like mine was only fragrant for a couple of days.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Mine has bloomed and bloomed for the last week. The same blooms open every night, and close when the sun rises.. More blooms come and chime right in, none are completely spent yet! Looks like it will bloom again tonight the buds still look very sturdy. I can smell it from the street about 20 ft away, farther if the wind is blowing.

This pic (below) from Sunday morning the blooms just about to close.

Thumbnail by debnes_dfw_tx
Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

btw~ This is a very hungry plant. I have fed it regularly with a bloom food. About 1 1/2 week ago I fed it a healthy serving of Rabbit Farm Buds & Blooms (Rabbit Farm is in Corsicanna), and watered it in well and have been keeping it watered almost daily.

Thumbnail by debnes_dfw_tx
East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

I am very jealous of your beautiful plant. Definitely a thirsty plant. I have not fertilized it, will try to remember to do it today, to see what happens.

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