Bringing Tropicals and Trees Indoors.

San Antonio, TX

I'm one of those people who feel so much better surrounded by flowers, trees and greens. I love tropicals as in my preceeding posts. But moving to Florida is very tricky and expensive now. So I purchased the 'perfect' house in Athens Georgia. Seeking opportunities to garden, listen to birds, etc. Sadly, my dh felt at the last minute he just could move. I have gfiven up the house (and my earnest money deposit) as I couldn't live anywhere w/o him. So here we are on a slab of limestone in Texas. My dh understands what I need, so here are our temporary plans. In some sections of our home we have approx. 20' ceilings and loads of light. We plan to bring in trees and flowering shrubs (if possible) in containers. I would appreciate very much any other suggestions about how we can bring the outdoors in.

Our backyard grass currently looks DEAD. I suppose it will come back in time, but we are thinking now of having a Zeroscape back yard, AND if finances allow, we are thinking of having a small home greenhouse built against one wall in our living room with sliding glass doors into each others space.

I know there is a Forum on Trees and one on Zeroscape. I'm sure I'll get there soon, but decided on this forum first. Initiailly we will be doing some big container plantings (with trees).
Any new thoughts or assistance will very much appreciated.
BTW..are there any greenhouse forums?

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

i love tropicals....there is a greenhouse forum here ....they can help...there is a tropical forum here AND a texas gardening forum....i sometimes post the same question in several forums cause they are all answered differently...and/or not answered in some and answered in others....wish i could answer your real questions ...but i am still a novice...good luck:)

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

You need to learn about your soil and your climate cycle. All of your problems can be fixed, but you need someone who is dedicated to gardening and really knows the specific needs of your region.

I suggest that you get a few books on gardening and read up on soil, drainage, pH, landscaping and plant selection. Narrow down your information to your conditions. It's not hard to understand. I'm sure you can find someone who can help you.

D-mail me if you need help, or use this forum.


San Antonio, TX

Sticks_n_Stones and Andy,

Thank you very much for your posts. I'm going to follow up on both of your suggestions.

S'nS, I'll rewrite my posts for the different forums. There is so much information available to us here. Thanks for this suggestion.

Andy, I have some beautiful books on gardening in Georgia. I purchased those when I thought Georgia would be our new home state. I believe Texas and Georgia are in the same Zone. My dh also brought home a thick book on Texas Gardening. Looks wonderful. I think those will be good places to start my research.

Thank you both again very much for your suggestions.

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

I lovetropicals....if I understand your needs correctly, you are looking for tropicals that do well in the house/possibly a grhouse? If so, then it doesn't really matter where you live-you want plants that will tolerate some shade-or indirect sunlight-and there a lot of tropicals that will do that. Some may prefer more humidity than will be found in your house ( not sure how much time you want to go around with a misting bottle everyday :))

I would start with palms-the majority will do well in containers, but really, I can't think of many tropicals that won't do well between your house and the grhouse. Did you have any tropicals in mind?

San Antonio, TX

tigerlily123 thank you very much for your thoughts and questions.
I have pics of what I love and I'll post it/them shortly. I've pretty much given up researching greenhouses and now I'm looking at
solariums. I have sent for catalogues on both. Do you have thoughts on either. Mainly,I want to create a space overflowing with tropicals that will have room for chairs. My Florida pictures are all on discs, so I'll have to look for them. Won't take long.
BRB Nancy

San Antonio, TX

okay..I'm a camera bug and had MANY Pics to sort through. I hope this won't be boring.

Thumbnail by ILoveTropicals
San Antonio, TX

Wilma is here

Thumbnail by ILoveTropicals
San Antonio, TX

This is a beauty

Thumbnail by ILoveTropicals
San Antonio, TX

i was puzzled by a few of these plants, but loved them.

Thumbnail by ILoveTropicals
San Antonio, TX

These green plants were very healing, renewing and soothing to me.

OOps I see i posted this pic before. i'm sorry

This message was edited Sep 8, 2006 4:10 PM

Thumbnail by ILoveTropicals
San Antonio, TX

I took this after dark with a flash.

I'm going to stop now, As for palms...I love the dwarf and pigmy palms. Also hibiscus. there is another that I know the name of for sure but can't bring it to my memory right now. It's low growing with 'fronds' spreading out. It's a Sego!!! In my Florida home I had what I thought of as specimen King Sego which had pups growing off the trunk.

Thumbnail by ILoveTropicals

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