schreiner's cat

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

I received this week Schreiner's 72 page glossy extravaganza. Glorious pictures of their Iris, each 2" to 4", except a couple of pages of thumbnail sized pictures of the dwarf, Sib's & La. I had ordered some Iris from them on sale in Aug which came in great shape in a weeks time. Thus, they have sent me a free catalog. Their sale (buy 80.00 worth and pay only 40.00 with bonus etc) on most of their Iris is still going on according to the catalog. I am new to Bearded Iris so perhaps I am lured by their yummy pictures. I will keep this catalog, it is too nice for the circular file! Patti

Celina, TN(Zone 6b)

Thanks for the info Patty. I am going to send for one.

Aurora, CO(Zone 5a)

I got mine today. I'm looking through it now. This is a better wishbook than the Sears catalog.

But I've got quite a few bulbs/rhizomes/plants on order, and I still have dental bills to pay. Don't think I can afford any more. Don't think I have room for any more!

Blythe, CA(Zone 10b)

It's good to know I'm not the only one going broke buying iris bulbs. I plan on having 44 in my garden by the end of the month and this is getting expensive. I''ve actually requested Schreiner's not to send post cards or invoices...just ship. There are some things husbands just don't understand !

Aurora, CO(Zone 5a)

Unfortunately, I missed the window. I can't order from their Iris Lover's catalog at their website. It's too late to mail the order. And I can't call from work on Monday.

Their next window of opportunity will be in approximately 350 days. I'm not going to wait till then.

Blythe, CA(Zone 10b)

what are you in sick! You really don't want to miss this opportunity. I just received my third order today and couldn't believe the bonus ... dangerous mood, priced at 40.00. What a treat!

Aurora, CO(Zone 5a)

If I don't work, I don't get paid, and that would quadruple the price of the rhizomes. I'm a contractor, paid by the hour.

Blythe, CA(Zone 10b)

How true it is, no sick days when you work for yourself.

Aurora, CO(Zone 5a)

I don't even work for myself. I'm a contract employee. Which means that if I get to work at 7 after 9, I get into trouble. If I worked for myself, my employee (me) could sleep until she woke up, whatever time that was.

Blythe, CA(Zone 10b)

I guess that' why I like working nights. I have the option of sleeping in. However, it is so hot here if you want to do any gardening you better be outside when the sun comes up. As for calling in sick, just a joke. I haven't missed a day in 2 years and have never been late once. Oh, but I did give my notice to quit today..(darn!) no more bulbs for awhile. I did get my last order in Saturday, I think I got all that I wanted for this year anyways. Now it on to yard decor.

Aurora, CO(Zone 5a)

You quit? Can I ask why?

I'm late far too often, and my boss hates it. Sometimes quite frankly I oversleep. Doesn't help that I've been battling chronic fatigue all year. But I take the bus to work, and sometimes the buses just don't get coordinated. Boss does not understand this.

Hey, talking about jobs, I won an award at work today for my work on the website. With the certificate came 4 movie tickets, so I guess I will go see Pirates this Friday.

And it's too late here to put in an order for Schreiners, even if I could figure their website out. (I find it a little confusing.) But I've probably overspent as it is, especially with all those dental bills I have to pay. Today I paid the last bills, and for a brief shining moment I was caught up. Till I came home and got the mail....

Blythe, CA(Zone 10b)

Details later on job. If you want to order online at Schreiner's(as previously posted by someone) when you hit $80.00 it takes off 50 percent. Must be the red star bulbs, which were most of them. You'll get to pick a bonus plus I've always received an extra.
Plus they sent Me their catalog free, which I absolutely love! Have to go to work now 1-10 shift. It's a crappy low paying job where you get treated like dirt, but I promised I'd stay until 9/30 (stupid me).

Aurora, CO(Zone 5a)

My job is a fairly decent paying one that I do like, but I think it's ridiculous to get on my case when the bus gets me there 10 minutes late (like today). I just won an award for my work, and they're getting picayune about 10 minutes??

Blythe, CA(Zone 10b)

Congrats on your award,, just don't be late to the movies! I got hit my a secret shopper at work the other day and did fairly well, big deal, I got a $5.00 gift certificate....why bother? Anyways, I'm really in trouble now. I asked Schreiner's not to send postcards , today I got two in the mail with the amount of my orders on them. I'll hear about ths for awhile! My last two orders have been planted and are already showing signs of growth, can't wait until spring. Hopefully in a few years I'll have enought to trade with others.

Aurora, CO(Zone 5a)

You know how some people sleep walk or eat while they're asleep? I think I sleep iris order. I got one of those postcards from Schreiner's, too. And at first I thought it was for the order that I already received and that's already planted. But I checked, and, no, this was for a different amount. A larger amount.

And I'll be darned if I can remember that order!

Oo-oh! Senior moments! I can just imagine myself, zombie-like, staggering toward my computer in the middle of the night. "Must...have...iris! Must...have...IRIS!"

Think there's a movie script in this? LOL!

But then I thought I had ordered from Paradise Garden but when I went to check on it they had no record of it, so maybe I just got my orders mixed up.

I have to start eating more fish, or taking Omega-3, or something.

Well, it's going to be like Christmas, because it's sure going to be a surprise to me.

I'd better get more beds ready.

Blythe, CA(Zone 10b)

Iam sooo mad at my self now. I looked back at my orders and forgot to order starring, which I really wanted. Now I'll have to wait until next year. If you forgot your order, Schreiner's e-mails your order on-line, unless you like surprises. I found it useful so I didn't double order the same thing. I decided to learn how to paint iris while I'm off of work. Their catalog will be a great help, now I just have to decide what to paint them on. I've got some old window frames, maybe I'll use those. I've figured out I can go two months without working and still put a little bit in savings every week. Counting down the days...18 to go! Good-bye stress, hello garden.

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