Help with banana tree

Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

I posted this on the tropical forum earlier and someone referred me to this forum. Here is what I wrote on the other site:

Yesterday I got a new plant for my greenhouse. I wanted some bigger plants to go with all of the small ones. So I got a banana tree. Any growing tips for them? What size pot should this be planted in? The pot it is in looks sort of small and I want to make sure that I plant it in the right pot. So what do you all think? What do you all feed your banana trees? Here is my banana tree.


Thumbnail by Plantcrazii
Citra, FL

The pot does look pretty small. Do you know what kind of banana it is? They come in all different sizes. I have mine planted outside, I make sure they get plenty of water. I understand they like lots of fertilizer; I havent fertilized mine much, maybe only twice this year with a few cups of a general 10-10-10. I dont know if its right or not, but its growing like crazy.

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Jesse, the pot is to small, first join bananas .org, it's free, next look up a member called joereal, (type in just as I typed it) look up a thread called secret to multiplying Ae Ae and other bananas. the thread is dated 9-1-2005. I didn't do what he said about the K and P, but I did cut down one of my banana trees, and it produced well over 35 babies!!!! My tree looked very healthy when I did it. I seperated 22 babies from the mother plant and I still have about 15 more growing!!! My tree was outside growing when I did this. Be prepared for an explosion of babies!!!!!!!! GOOD LUCK, C.J.

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Jesse, about feeding your banana tree, go to, they sell a controlled release fertilizer for banana trees. (6-2-12) use every 3 months. it comes in a 1 pound and 4 pound bucket. C.J.

Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)


I went to and registered and read what joereal had to say about making pups but this will not work for me because he says do it on a tree that is at least 5 feet tall which mine are not. I have one that is about 3 feet tall and two that are about 2 feet tall. But I bookmarked it so that I can go back to it when mine get bigger.


Katy, TX(Zone 8b)

Would it help to grow the bananas in the ground? We gave a banana from our trees to my FIL in Green Bay. He kept it in a pot and put it in the basement in the fall. It stayed the same size but he liked to brag that he had a banana tree in WI, yet. We have found that banana trees can be invasive like cannas. We only needed one "tree" to make thousands.


Fulton, MO

Plantcrazii, it looks like you have Musa zebrina. This banana pups like crazy. You will have plenty of pups. Just feed and water it. No edible bananas, though, it is an ornamental.

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

Could someone tell me where is I cant find it.... I did do and it did not come up...
Thank you so much

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Susan, you left out the "s", go to CJ.

Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

Thank you so much I am new to this and trying to find out what type of banana plant my brother inlaw gave me for Thanksgiven.... Did post a ? but no one answered .....
thanks again,

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