Local grape vines gone wild.

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

This looks pretty but the vines kill off all the under story trees and plants.

Thumbnail by CoreHHI
Southern, NJ(Zone 6b)

Is that a regular kind of cultivated grape such as Concord ? I've seen a vine growing like that that has leaves that look like my memory of concord grape leaves but but I've not seen fruit (maybe it's all eaten).

Atmore, AL(Zone 8b)

I'll bet those are muscadines or "scuppernongs". They run rampant here on my property. I know they are native but sometimes they are a nuisance. The fruit is delicious though.

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

Escambiaguy got it right. They don't fruit unless they get pruned (storm or something chops off a runner). They just grow like mad. I killed off one that was to big for a saw all to go through. LOL. I'm talking maybe 8 inch across with 4 main branches that went everywhere. They'll grow up a 40 ft tree. Took me two years to kill the thing, when I cut it off it was like the long over due pruning it had been waiting for.

BTW I grow those but in a controlled area. Easy to get to fruit and tasty.

Thumbnail by CoreHHI
Atmore, AL(Zone 8b)

I have the gold ones and the purple ones. Mine seldom fruit because they are shaded by oak trees. I figured out the best way to keep them in check is to wait until winter and set fire to them (if possible). They will come right back in the spring. I also allow some to grow but I do get rid of a lot of them.

Atmore, AL(Zone 8b)

I will add that about 15 miles from me there is a muscadine vineyard that makes wine. Very good !

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