A very TAALLLLLL datura plant !!!! 8 ft.!

Hooks, TX

I don't know why this one, out of half a dozen near by, decided to get so tall. The others have bloomed at about 3-4 feet high. This one is loaded with four buds on every tip now and is as big as my wrist at the ground. The zinnia hides the base in the picture. I stood the 3 ft. ruler beside it to show the height. It should be spectacular when the blooms all open at once. I'll post a picture when they do.


Thumbnail by TexasLou
Greensburg, IN(Zone 6a)

That is amazing, all mine, other than golden queen, are pretty small

Hooks, TX

I think of you each day when I water the 8 brugs that are up and going from the seed you sent to me.

It's very odd to have one plant so tall when the others with the same soil, same water and same sun/shade are half that high.
It's so high that it doesn't even fit the look of the bed. I think that next year the daturas are going along the fence line.


Jeffersonville, IN(Zone 6b)

Louise, that's just huge!! That is a great idea to put the datura along the fence line. Very nice!

Greensburg, IN(Zone 6a)

sure glad your seeds are doing so well, if you have seeds of this dat. please think of me *S*

Hooks, TX

You are on a list! There should be plenty with buds on all the tips. Below is a post of the stalk at the ground. It is as big as my wrist.


Thumbnail by TexasLou
Fredericton N B, Canada(Zone 4a)

Ihave 6 of those giant daturas which I posted about on the plants we hate. Perhaps they are
better behaved in a warmer zone my flowers are smalland sparce and dont bloom in the
daytime. Is this usual?

Hooks, TX

Your opinion is the reason that next year these plants will form the outside border of the yard. They just don't fit in well with the other plants there. They need a special place where only they dwell!!!! The blooms are captivating enough to assure their place for the future. I think I like the tree form better than the bush form - soooooo, off the lower leaves go!


Hooks, TX

Bad news here! I'm very disappointed today in the color of the blooms that are beginning to open at the top of this tall datura. They are not purple are I expected. The outside of the tube of the bloom is almost white. The blooms only have streaks of purple beginning to show. I had wanted the dark purple double or triple, but does not seem to be.

I'll watch to see as it progresses and hope it does an aboutface pronto!!!!


Thumbnail by TexasLou
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Hi Louise-
I have these daturas- I couldn't figure out why they were so big, but found my seed packet/bag from 6 years ago the other day- It said "datura tree". Mine are exceeding 8 and 9 feet tall right now in the front. Some of my older ones in back are taller and require some supports. Fear not on the blooms though- this strain of datura likes cooler weather. Come october, the colors will be more brilliant. For some reason they like it when the nights are cooler.

Right now mine are the same color- but in the spring and fall, this is what they look like. This datura is in the ground, that is 2.5 feet below the deck level, and still towers over my head (at 6'1)
-but your right, they do need to be in a certain place.

I'm finally glad to find someone else who had these daturas- I was beginning to think I had some mutant strain. I think I bought the seeds from rancid sawdust years ago. (yep that was the name).


Thumbnail by rjuddharrison
Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

I would never have believed it would happen. It's like it crossed with a brug. Interesting!!!

I hope Tonny sees this and lets us know if he has seen this with a Datura before.


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

This was the only way I could give a sense how tall these were, with just me taking pictures- This is my hand stretched as far as I could towards the bloom. I will start giving mine shots of miracle grow this month.


Thumbnail by rjuddharrison
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

LOL, That's what Jackie asked me yesterday..did you send me a brug!?

Greensburg, IN(Zone 6a)

rjuddharrison, that Dat. is beautiful, I would l;ove seeds like that. TexasLou maybe yours will end up like that.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

okay- send addy.
remember- the flowers will be pale this time of year. they may perform well in your part of the country..not sure.

Hooks, TX

Did you have this kind of datura last year? and did the color get purple?
I was so disappointed that I was seriously thinking of pulling it up now because I wasn't interested in any seed for flowers that looked like that.
Now I don't know what to do.


Brigham City, UT(Zone 5b)

Louise, Maybe they need to be in a cooler climate....like Utah?
Please save seeds if you have them, I would love to try some.

I was going to coment that it must be the Texas sun, but that may be why they don't have the deep purple color also.

Mine are getting buds again, but mine are very sparse of leaves and buds this time of year.

Thumbnail by MyRee
Hooks, TX

I wasn't planning to save seeds on this one, but if there are any, I can send some to you.

My grandson married a girl from Utah. They live there now and she is a foot surgeon. They were married in a chapel in the Mormon Temple.
Her maiden name was Bingham. You may know some in her family. She has six siblings.


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

That's what I'm trying to say. I have had these for 6 years, and they blooms very vivid colors when the temp lowers to 60's/50's at night. Consequently the spring and fall blooms are gorgeous, but the summer blooms are pale and washed out. Stick with it for a couple more months and see what it does.
the color also depends on a little feeding now and then. Usually Miracle grow when you see buds coming. That's about all I use the old miracle grow on.

Brigham City, UT(Zone 5b)


If you don't have seeds that is fine, I just thought that big of one would look great in my yard.

Bingham is a very familiar name here. Do you know what part of Utah she was from?
Foot surgeon, he did well, Where does she practice?

Fruitport, MI(Zone 5a)

rjuddharrison, I would love to get some seed too, if you can spare some. I have seed of the smaller double purple variety, double yellow, and the single white to trade. I have other things too.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

You bet...I have a pile...please dmail your address..

MyRee? seeds?

I just noticed mine in the back are starting to bloom. I've been hitting them with some fertilzer everycouple of weeks, so I suspect they will be in between the real pale, and the beautiful...then next month will be the winning round of blooms.

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Wowzers! That is one big plant! Does yours come back from the ground every year, RJ? Could you please save me some seeds to?
:) Donna

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

You bet. I couldn't figure out why these plants grow so huge- I was scouring the datura threads until I gave up- Louise is the first person in 6 years I've run accross with this strain.

Actually they are fairly hardy and they keep going thru the winter here. I have some in pots, and some in the ground.. In the ground after 9feet or so they have to be supported, especially when they bloom..They stay a nice 5 to 6 feet tall in pots.


Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Thanks, Rj! I wonder how tall they would get here....lol.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

they grow in san francisco! they need a cool period to bloom- course that would be 60's and 50's..:)

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Well I have that, Rj.....lol!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Hey guys-
I found the old seed packets I bought those dats from- There are some interesting new ones he has there that I am going to aquire- it is seedman.com
He sort of lumps the whole brug and daturas together.


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Here we go--- at the beginning of the month there was a paltry nearly whitel bloom. The temperature has dropped to a sustained 60 at night for about 2 weeks- and they start getting darker. Interesting plant it is. This one is so tall that the branches are now growing horizontal - /will take picture in Oct- when some very nice flowers appear. Any luck with yours?

Thumbnail by rjuddharrison
Cincinnati, OH

I would love some seeds too, if anyone has any to spare.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

You know how Daturas are!! send me your addy- I will need to get rid of some of these as the new batches are starting.

did I forget anyone?

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Rjuddharrison ~ At risk of sounding rude... could I, pretty please? I would love some Datura tree seeds. Begging on my knees? : ] pod

Andalusia, AL(Zone 8b)

I too would lovwe a few seeds of this cool datura if you could share them.Thanks

Hooks, TX

Were you wanting seeds from my plant or Rj's?


Andalusia, AL(Zone 8b)

I would love a few seeds of your tall datura. I didn't enen know there was other types and colors,other than white.But now I see all the different ones I want to grow some too:)

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I will be happy to send seeds.. Please send me your address to my dmail..I have a ton of seeds from spring. so if I'm offering to send seeds, then no one sounds rude at all right!!?? ::))


Hooks, TX

To all those on the seed list:
Because of the first freeze of the season, I have harvested all the seed pods on the tall datura ( and the yellow also) and I have no idea how long it will take for them to dry and pop open. When they are ready to mail, I will send a Dmail to those requesting the seeds.


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