Bought a Portable

Wesley Chapel, FL(Zone 9a)

It's 9x9x8 feet tall. The front and rear doors, as well as the 12 vent windows, are screened and double-zippered. The framework inserts into pockets sewn into the GH material. Comes with a shade cover and tie-down stakes.

The manufacturer is FlowerHouse, and the model is FarmHouse. My cost was $268 delivered.

For the money, I think it's a great deal. We don't need heavy-duty here in central FLA - we get only 2 or 3 nights below freezing a year.


Thumbnail by skaz421
Louisville, KY

That looks awesome! Good luck! I know you will enjoy it. That is great that a shade cloth comes with it. I need to move to Florida.

Wesley Chapel, FL(Zone 9a)

It has it's ups and downs.

The Tampa Bay area is known as the Lightning Capitol of the World - you can almost set your watch by the afternoon thunderstorms. The lawn (and the garden) are always wet.

If you have outside work to do, and don't do it by noon, you plan on trying again tomorrow - the heat drives you into the house. Thank God for AC.

We love it here, though. We don't see ourselves ever moving back to New England. 50 of those winters was enough.

I spent a year at Ft Knox, too. Long time ago.


Louisville, KY

Ky is nice. It is scary when torandos come. They always are around my house it seems. We have to go into a cellar and hopefully the electricity doesn't go out or the sump pump doesn't pump the cellar. We were down there one night holding a sleeping baby in a foot of water holding flashlights looking for snakes. We have a bad snake problem. I would much rather be growing my orchids out in the trees like they can in the Keys. My greenhouse holds up well to ice and wind though. The shade cloth is tied down pretty good for the wind gusts we get during storms. My greenhouse is supposed to withstand 90 mph winds. I think we have seen maybe 60 or so mph winds during storms. Heck, down in FL, hurricane winds would probably knock it over. Here is a pic I took for insurance purposes because I thought it was going to collapse. It had 7+ inches of ice from a bad ice storm. I was too scared to go in there for a couple of days.

Thumbnail by forevereden
Wesley Chapel, FL(Zone 9a)

It reminds me of home, and why I moved to FLA.

You must be able to grow a lot in there. Can you keep it warm enough?

You wouldn't have to worry about hurricanes here. The whole hurricane thing is way over-blown (no pun intended) by the press.

Last year, when 4 of them came through Florida, the worst we saw was a few inches of rain and some not-so-strong gusts. We don't have cellars to get flooded, and there aren't many trees where I live to get knocked down. Unless you're in the direct path, which most people never are, they're just not a big deal.

You probably got a lot more damage from weather than we did.

Louisville, KY

It stays pretty warm. The coldest I have seen it is around 55 degrees. That is in a harsh winter. I have the north side insulated, so hopefully that helps. It could be sealed tighter I am sure- like on the roof area. It takes time to make sure every nook and cranny is tight. I need to take off from work so get it in order. I haven't had a day in there in a while. It is usually just popping in and out for a quick watering and check with work and all.

Wesley Chapel, FL(Zone 9a)

What do you grow in yours?

Louisville, KY

I have so many plants in there. I have alot of Aroids that I fell in love with last year. I like also growing ficus trees and twisting and braiding the trees. Some orchids. I whole bunch of Queen's Tears that I need to split. Rojo Banana galore. Ginger, basil, rosemary, xmas cactus, Hydrangeas, Gardenia, Azaleas, african violets, sedums, cactus, I also have alot of Zebra Haworthia. Around 50 or so! They just keep having babies. I try to keep at least one of every plant in the greenhouse to make cuttings. I root them out on the hydro table and either keep them as a plant to get more cuttings on, sell in the store, or put in the yard. Veggie wise I am currently growing 8 ball zucchini and Roma Tomatoes indoors on hydro as well. I want to start green peppers because they have the most pesticides at the super market. Here is a pic taken a while ago, but it looks pretty much the same inside. I need to take new pics. This was during xmas, but it gives you the idea. I wish I could do it as a living - full time. Maybe one day!

Thumbnail by forevereden
Wesley Chapel, FL(Zone 9a)

It looks great - you must enjoy it very much.

I'd like to sell plants, too. Maybe start out small - I'd have to, I don't have a big space to grow them, and I can't have a big greenhouse. The one I have violates the deed restrictions where I am - if the board sees it, they'll make me take it down.


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