It's Weegy12's Birthday!!!!!

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

A very warm howdy from the Lone Star State and lots of wishes for good health, good company, good cake, good everything!

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

Happy Birthday

Thumbnail by tazzy
Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

It's your birthday?
Do you remember how we would sit up on the shady branches of the walnut tree at the end of the Partlow's driveway when we were kids.
And how you liked to play we were Puritans and speak with "thees" and "thous"... remember that?
Thinking about those days inspired me to write a little poem about way back then


Raised in a barefoot town,
surrounded by farmland and fallow field.
We, in the heat summer,
skittered from shady spot to shady spot
until our dusty feet reached the Black Walnut tree.
On her sprawling branches
is where we would gather

We lounged in the shady arms of the huge tree,
We flicked tiny ants from our chubby thighs
And we talked the nonsense that children talk
Your knees look funny
Your nose looks funny
Elaine's daddy took a pill not to drink any more.

Like the warm breeze that cooled my sweaty neck
Came the idea for a most dramatic feat.
To prove my great faith in God,
To prove the enormity of my trust in him
Like they were hot coals,
I would walk across a bullthorn patch without getting a single sticker.

I don't know when I discovered that green bullthorns are
soft, pliable and rarely puncture tender little feet.
But there I was,
Before an audience of satisfyingly astounded 8 year olds
Arms outstretched, as if walking a highwire without a net
I crossed the sticker patch unscathed.
If all poets are liars then I suppose,
according to Plato
Poetry was my destiny.

Happy Birthday girlfriend!

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

Happy Birthday!!


Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

Happy Birthday Weegie! I hope you are having a wonderful day.

Celina, TN(Zone 6b)

Happy Happy birthday my dear iris lady. I hope this day is everything you want it to be.

Coshocton, OH(Zone 6a)

happy birthday!!


Grand Rapids, MI


Arbuckle, CA(Zone 9a)

Your birthday is almost over now, I hope you've had a great day!

Dovey, what a nice poem.


Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Oh my God you all!! Dovey, I'm speechless! That was wonderful. Thee art indeed the greatest thou!
You was so nice to come home from a great camping trip, (parked right next door at the RV resort to the Pechanga Casino!) and get on the computer and find these well wishes. You put the icing on my birthday cake. Your words are so very much appreciated. Love you all!
(Can you believe that I did not even step one foot into the casino!??!?? I did however win a game of "Knock" and came back with about 44.00!
My heartfelt thanks to you all!

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

Right next to the casino and you didn't gamble?!?!?
Art thou nuts?
I'm a sucker for the Wheel Of Fortune nickle slots.

Glad to hear your birthday was a good one.

Hooks, TX

A belated birthday here from east Texas! Hope yours was a great day with many, many more to come!
Happy gardening!


Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

A late birthday but lots of hopes for a very wonderful year. I hope that it is as generous to you as you are to everyone else. What more could you ask? :-)

Georgetown, KY(Zone 6a)

Sorry this is late, couldn't let your day slip by without a warm wish for a great and prosperous year ahead.
Jackie from KY

Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Thanks for thinking of me! You guys just make me smile!

Phoenix, MD(Zone 7a)

well I am the worst the absolute worst I had the date all wrong and missed it all together!!!!!! My dear friend I apologize and just know that in my heart it is always your birthday to me always a special for me too just knowing you!!!



Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Awwwwww, Anne, you are sweet, thanks buddy! No apology needed sweetie.

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