Transplanting a division

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

My lacecap hydrangea layered itself last year. I'd like to sever the "baby" and move it to a new position in the same bed. I severed it last week, and so far so good with mother and baby. When do I dig it out to transplant? I'm thinking next spring, but if I did it in a couple of weeks and gave it a lot of winter protection, would that work, too?

Thanks in advance,

Arlington, TN(Zone 7a)


You can transplant these any time this fall. We are zone 7b but do not have any problems moving hydrangeas all winter here. With potted hydrangeas we are a little more carful and quit potting mid September.

Hope this helps

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Thanks wolfgang. I'd rather move it now while it's on my mind. I have a hard time with "to do" items that are too far in the future. :)


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