OE/Netscape Email troubles

Bureau County, IL(Zone 5a)

Hi all,

I used to use the Netscape Mail & Newsgroup program to get and send email. AOL, I guess, owns Netscape, and they have "upgraded". I can no longer use my Netscape program to access my email. I finally got it figured out by adding Netscape to OE. But OE, doesn't have a way for me to do a spell check. I searched, and it says if I have Microsoft Word or Microsoft Powerpoint, then I would have spell check. I have XP home edition and I have Microsoft Works Word and I also have Powerpoint. But still no spell check. Under tools, it says spelling, but it isn't highlighted at all, meaning I can't click on it. There also is no spelling under options.

I have another question for anyone who uses Netscape mail or just used the Netscape browser. My email address is whatever @netscape.net. When I try to sign in at Netscape or AOL, I get that I need a valid @netscape.com email address. I searched thru all their fact sheets and cannot find anything regarding this. I also contacted Netscape, using the live chat. She said it was for members only. I don't know what she meant, and I asked her if it was for paying members only. She didn't answer me and cut the chat off. My ISP is not Netscape, I have Verizon DSL and I used them last night because their email program wasn't working on OE, but she couldn't help me with the Netscape.

For my browser, I use Mozilla Firefox.

Any suggestions or do I even make sense :o) ?


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