ButterflyCatcher - How Are You???

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

You posted: I do the IVP on Mon the 28th, and then I see the doc right after that. Hope he's got good news.

How are you doing?


Thumbnail by judycooksey
Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

Hey Judy, thank you for asking.

I did the IVP on Mon and then met with the doc who got the results immediately thru the internet. Isn't that cool how they can do that these days?

He said everything looks great, no permanent damage to my kidneys, no blockages, etc. I do still have stones in my right kidney, but they're not causing any problems.

The doc said he was really happy with the test results. "Well, I'm NOT," I told him, as I sat there in pain. After a discussion of the ongoing pain, he prescribed a different antibiotic. And then he prescribed Aleve, an anti-inflammatory. He said my kidneys had been traumatized a lot with stones, different procedures, surgery and this constant infection and that my kidneys were still inflammed and tender. So I'm to take the antibiotics and two Aleve each day for about a month.

Well, I'm happy to report that I haven't had to take any oxycodon since Mon night. Finally, the pain is subsiding and I've been outside the last two days playing in the dirt again. OMG, for the first time in over 4 years, I am almost pain free. There's still a small bit of pain, particularly when I wake up. But I think the Aleve is doing its thing. I don't know why he didn't prescribe it after surgery in May. I could have healed a lot quicker I think.

I still tire easily and often take afternoon naps, which is unusual for me, but I think soon I'll be back to normal. I haven't been normal in years. I don't think anyone here has known me when I wasn't in some kind of pain.

So now I wont' have to have any more procedures and I'll get to enjoy planting in the fall weather. I still have about 300 plants in pots waiting to go in ground. We're putting in a circle drive and I'll plant in some of them in the center. I'm really getting excited!

Judy, thanks for your concern. Sorry I rambled.


Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

HOW WONDERFUL!!! I am so very proud for you, to finally be able to see the end of the tunnel.


Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

Yes, I'm quite relieved. About two weeks ago, I almost ended up in ER again because the pain was so bad. This Aleve is exactly what I needed all along.

And for icing on the cake, my brother's friend just dropped off a bobcat for us to play with this weekend. I've been trying to dig out plants for a circle drive, and it looks like my circle drive will happen this weekend! OMG, I'm so excited!! Terry's on the bobcat right now, altho it's dark. And tomorrow morning, he has something else to do, so I get custody of the cat then. I used to operate a bobcat when I worked in construction. They are so fun! And they make such short work of big projects. That humongous yucca I can't dig up will be uprooted tomorrow. YES!!! I'llhave to be careful not to jar my kidneys too much, but I think I can handle that. I'll just go slow.

Wow, this is just one of the best weeks ever! LOL


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