How do I prune sage ??

Brisbane, Australia(Zone 10a)

I have a couple of sages; mexican bush sage and blue and black sage (indigo spires). I am interested in pruning them to get the plant fuller shape in the case of the blue and black. The mexican has become sort of bulb shaped and I would like it to grow more from the base as it did when it was younger. Any suggestions??

Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

Cut 2/3 off the sage down to an active node, this should make your sages shoot more and create a fuller plant.

Brisbane, Australia(Zone 10a)

Thanks Annette - any particular time of year best ??

Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

I think late summer or early autumn is the best time, that way it is slowly building up new growth over the colder months ready to really burst out in spring.Salvias seem to really slow down over winter. I presume it doesnt snow where you are, in Florida. I cant picture it snowing in Florida, it reminds me off where I live with the beaches sun surf etc.

I hope this helps :)


Brisbane, Australia(Zone 10a)

Our house is about 4 blocks from the beach. We have summer weather with heat and humidity until about November then sort of a long fall. Some years there is a mini winter with a freeze for a day or two. Plants do slow down in our winter, it's definitely not summer all year round. If I trim the salvias now, they will have a couple of months to rebound before "winter." Or, I could wait until the plant is more or less dormant.

Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

You cut the plant now yes so it can rebound for winter, I read somewhere that
you dont cut the salvia when dormant. The trouble is everything that you read contradicts do this dont do this, it does your head in:).

I hope this helps.

Brisbane, Australia(Zone 10a)

Thanks annette! How cool is it that you can get advice on pruning salvia from someone in a similar climate on the other side of the planet?

Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

Not only do you get advice from this salvia gal, this salvia gal has got these 2 salvias growing the same as you on the opposite side off the world .It is Cool:)

San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

Cut the mexican sage way back to new growth. I do mine 2x a year. Every now and again I have to dig some of it out as they get very, very large. Speaking of.... that is one of the next day's off projects.

Brisbane, Australia(Zone 10a)

I have definitely squashed in plants to many big plants too close together. This falls project will also have to involve some moving plants as well as pruning.

San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

I took one large mexican sage out this year. It was only 2 years old but the hole looked like someone had exploded a landmine. It was quite a job. I love this plant though. It is easy and beautiful and the hummers love it.

Brisbane, Australia(Zone 10a)

Did you try and move the sage? My Mexican sage is really beautiful right now with a ton of flowers. I'll probably wait till is is in a shabby phase before I prune it.

San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

It was moved to another location and divided into about 20 plants plus the ones someone driving by took with them and a trashcan full besides. It was kind of large. Mine are flowered out right now so will get a trim. They will bloom again about october if I get it done soon.

Brisbane, Australia(Zone 10a)

Wow - your sage must be one happy camper!

San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

Not great pics but will give you an idea of size

Thumbnail by frogsrus
San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

Bear in mind that this one is the "little" one. I dug the big one out. Yes they are vry hapy there. Like my neighbors grass? It is plastic. Looks great for now but I am watching to see how it does.

Thumbnail by frogsrus
Brisbane, Australia(Zone 10a)

Great grouping of plants. I like the combo of the blueish thing in front and the sage. I had no idea the sage was going to get so big! I should have looked it up before I planted it. I also like the way your sage is staying low and full so I will follow your pruning advice. Seems as if you and your neighbor have different approaches to landscaping. Plastic grass - the ultimate in xeriscaping.

San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

Lol it is about 5 feet tall now and taller in bloom. The artemesia was a ladybug factory this year. I had to close my eyes to the aphids they love to be able to watch the ladybug lifecycle.

We both had the-I will no longer mow grass- idea. I tried to get her to do a patio thing using both lawn areas but to no avail.

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