Finally! I have been watching these with great anticipation. :~) They are so tiny and delicate. I did not even see the ant inside until I looked at the pictures. LOL
Clematis integrifolia
So tiny yet so full of beauty
Thanks for sharing
Simple elegance and beauty in a tiny flower and bud!
How sweet it is...Blue boy?
Wow really delicate.
thanks everyone, I really love it. It is kind of a small sprawly bush, which I find interesting, and those tiny flowers just intrigue me.
Jeanne, not sure, it is only labelled as Clematis Integrifolia. I had picked up a couple of these at Annies Annuals when I was there last Fall and I just checked her website and she has no additional info on them.
I just received, mail order, a Clematis integrifolia along with 2 others that are climbing, Clematis viola and Clematis Ascotiensis. From the picture I thought the integrifolia would be larger. Any suggestions you would like to share would be appreciated. I had my DH build me a planter with trellis and have planted them. The integrifolia appears to be very delicate.
There are a lot of different clematis integrifolia - most common seems to be x durandii.
Check the Clematis on the Web which is a great site. Integrifolia is a small clematis which can be left to sprawl thru the other plants or with support can be an attractive upright plant but only I think about 3 feethigh. Does not cling!
I just put in my first integrifolia this year - one is growing beside a lilac thru which I hope it will climb next summer!