Trumpet Vine

Lawrenceville, GA

I know the stuff's supposed to be invasive ... but, as discussed in previous posts, I'm all about hummingbirds!
There is gobs of the stuff growing wild down along the road around here. How difficult is it to get a cutting and get it started? How do I go about that? And/or should I really stay away from it? I heard enough warnings about wisteria to just plant it in whiskey barrels rather than risking my life should it get loose! Is trumpet vine as bad?

Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

Sure it's bad but it's worth it if you want to keep it pruned a couple times or more a year and keep the seedpods cut off. You might try starting some from seed if cuttings don't work for you.

One thing that will kill it is too much shade. Mine finally died completely out by the trees growing up around it.

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

I tried to grow one but it died and I am so glad it did. I keep hearing horror stories of people trying to kill it and it just won't die!!

Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

My parents had an acre or two of it and worked on it for years to get rid of it. Now that it's been gone for years, I found a strange vine that was being trained up their deck post when I visited them a few weeks ago. Lo and behold, my mother decided she wanted to grow a trumpet vine along their deck (because it is suppose to attract hummingbirds - hmmmm). Will wonders never cease?

Another vine to consider is bigonia (cross vine) but it should probably be grown in a container because it spreads pretty fast too - just not as rapidly as wisteria and trumpet vine (campsis). Choose your poison.

Lawrenceville, GA

That's HILARIOUS HC! They worked to get rid of it then your mom planted the stuff?Too funny.
I honestly don't know why on earth I'd do anything in my yard to bring MORE hummingbirds. They're about to take over now!

Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

I know what you mean - my dad would till the garden (never sprayed for weeds) for spring planting and hoe between the rows on a need be basis through the summer, but the trumpet vines had a mind of their own and would pop up here and there.

My parents already have to fill the hummingbird feeder on a daily basis but maybe the trumpet vine is suppose to help out on that chore (I don't know). Look at some of the pictures I posted from their feeder a couple of weeks ago.

I think their neighbor's huge mimosa tree is the reason they have so many hummingbirds (probably 30 to 50 birds down there at one time).

This message was edited Aug 30, 2006 3:35 PM

Evans, GA(Zone 7b)

My reaction to this thread is OH?! Are there different types of trumpet vine? They are advertised in many catalogs (I know that doesn't necessarily mean much!) and a long-time gardening friend recently passed one along to me (still in the pot, waiting to be planted out).

Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

If you search for trumpet vine, you usually will get campsis (for the Southeast at least) but then trumpet vine can be applied to lots of vines around the world. Try Google Image search and you will see that common names can apply to lots of different plants.

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