okay i need some advice please on

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

a bottlebrush bush. now how do i take care of it??? it is a hardy clemson if that makes a differeance,. i have heard the hummers like it. the man i bought it from said it need to cut it back. its only a one gallon and he wants me to cut it??? any advice welcome marie

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

No I don't think you need to cut those back. My neighbor has a couple and I never see her cut them back. Her's are small trees now.

Dalton, GA(Zone 7a)

I don't have one but I can tell you what my book says:

tolerates full sun, but prefers dappled shade and woodland conditions

water once every ten days for first growing season

Do not allow to dry out for first 2 years

Does well with little fertilizer - apply 1 Tblsp of 10-10-10 per foot of height in April and midsummer

Regular pruning not required

Hope this helps. I've wanted one of these but not sure I have the space.

I do have a buckeye in full sun. I would definately suggest in our climate, part-sun to shade is the way to go. Mine has constantly droopy leaves, and doesn't flower the greatest.

I do not cut mine back, it's a wild plant and mean to have a beautiful, natural shape. About now the seeds begin to form. You leave them on the plant until the pod cracks a bit. Then you can pot them up, water well and tent with a plastic bag so that the humidity stays in. Late in the spring you should see the first shoots (they are later to arrive). I had 100% germination last year. Native plants make beautiful gifts and also are wonderful plants to trade if you have gardening friends. I'm so glad I can pass along the effortlessly growing buckeyes!



Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

girlgroupgirl - I was thinking imzadi meant another kind of bottlebrush - like the Australian Bottlebrush?

Callistemon - http://www.floridagardener.com/pom/callistemon.htm


Bottlebrush buckeye Aesculus parviflora http://www.hort.net/profile/hip/aespa/

Now I am not sure - I have an Australian Bottlebrush and it is getting too much shade so I am watching this thread to see if anyone else has one...

this looks like mine http://www.woodlanders.net/index.cfm?fuseaction=plants.plantDetail&plant_id=301

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