Some TNN plugs root-bound

So. Puget Sound, WA(Zone 8b)

In frustration, I dug up a few of my heucheras from the TNN co-op that just weren't growing and discovered they were root bound. That had not occured to me. They were so tiny I just assumed they would take off. I separated the roots as gently as I could and re-potted them. I've got my fingers crossed.

Central, WI(Zone 4a)


Some of mine aren't doing so well either. Don't know what it is. They all got the same potting medium, watered at the same time. Separated roots when potted. I finally just put them in the ground and thought sink or swim little lovelies. So far they look pretty rough, but it's only been a few days.

Hope yours perk up.


So. Puget Sound, WA(Zone 8b)

Mine are perking up already! They look better than they've looked for weeks. Most of the others are many times their size and thriving. Just another lesson learned I guess.

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

Glad to hear it. I'm watching mine like a hawk, hoping that they too perk up. I pulled the roots apart again when I planted them in the ground.

Bartlesville, OK(Zone 6a)

I think all the ones I have lost (which is most of them) were root bound. I guess I will learn from this experience and know how to take care of them in the future.


Central, WI(Zone 4a)

I don't understand why we would lose them if they were root bound. They were potted into a bigger pot so the roots had more room. And in the ground, they have all the room they need? Maybe I kept mine too wet? I kept them moist, but not drowning. Just don't know.

So. Puget Sound, WA(Zone 8b)

Well GardenGeek, my were so root bound their roots were just growing round and round in a circle instead of stretching out the way they're supposed to. Soaking the roots then "un-kinking" them lets the little roots grow out to find nutrients the way they should. In effect, they were starving themselves to death.

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

My point exactly. I untangled and spread the roots out before I potted them and they just didn't snap out of it. Have no clue as to why.

So. Puget Sound, WA(Zone 8b)

I don't either, GardenGeek. I have those little tragedies with some plants too... I just chalk it up to one of life's mysteries or maybe the plants gods were angry with me that day. LOL When one has done all the right things and the plant still won't thrive what else can you do? I keep hearing it said they need very good drainage, could there be a puddling area where yours are planted?

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

Nope, they were on the deck and the water just ran out the bottom and down between the slats on the deck. I chalk it up to Heuch seedlings are very delicate,,,LOL Way to much so for me anyway

Northern Michigan, MI(Zone 5a)

The majority of my heuchera's from the co-ops have done very well. My can-can's both died. I had them potted for some time but they still floundered and eventually I put them in the ground figuring maybe that would help. One I put in deeper shade to see if it would do better than the other but as I said they both died.

Haven't had much luck with the Peach Flambe's I bought either. It's so pretty in the pics I've seen that more than likely I will try again next year but buy something older and more established. I still have one that is hanging on so if it survives the winter (I hate to dig it up and bring it in if I don't have to...) hopefully it will be

Otherwise my heuchera's have flourished and I expect them to all make it thru the winter nicely. I do think in transplanting you have to be careful not to bury the crown or it tends to rot and die off. Seems as if I read that somewhere and I think of it when I am transplanting....don't know if it's gospel or not, so I can't swear to it.

~Julie =0)

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

Some of mine made it just fine, however, the majority bit the dust. I put some in the ground that weren't doing very well and thought sink or swim little lovelies. I do believe you are right about the crown., that it's supposed to be Just at ground level, not buried.

I tend to bury Everything up to the leaves. I then look around and find myself thinking why do you do that, you Know they won't grow when they are that deep. And then, I run around the gardens digging up every plant I just planted to lift them up more. Guess I just like to make more work for myself,,,lol

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