Is this a green lynx spider

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

I'm sorry the photo isn't very clear, this is the best out of about 8...
He made me a little nervous and I was leery about getting too close.
One he got fed up with me (and the camera) he moved pretty fast and I squealed and ran the other direction.

Thumbnail by dovey
Stephenville, TX(Zone 8a)

In Texas I would have no hesitation in calling it a green lynx as there is nothing else here to confuse it with and that may also be the case in CA. They can be pretty aggressive and the bite hurts. They are great predators though and I leave all but the largest. Those get chucked over the fence as I do not care to be ambushed.


Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

as in towards the resident gardener? (which would be me!)

Stephenville, TX(Zone 8a)

Unfortunately, yes. Mainly it's the big ones though, the ones that are so large that the abdomen looks like a green slug. That's why I boot them. The smaller ones still bite, but usually its when they are caught in clothing or some similar circumstance. The big ones get very territorial and I saw a large specimen attack a gardeners exposed calf unprovoked other than by her presence. That one was taken out of the gene pool, but I have had run-ins with large ones since and so think this is a trait of the whole species.


Aurora, CO(Zone 5a)


Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

Thanks for the identification FM.

I'm with you Hydrangea....
I'm pretty tolerant of bugs and spiders in the garden, but this one gives me the willies

My husband came home and took better pictures yesterday afternoon.

Thumbnail by dovey
San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

I have this on my desktop. I thought he was pretty. I have to say that the giant black and yellow orbweavers are more spectacular but these are the brug gardians. At least they do not string webs across the walkways. Lol!

Thumbnail by frogsrus
Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

Hi there, how have you been?
Great picture. I first thought it was some kind of assassin bug, I have loads of those.
Spiders give me the hee-bee gee-bees... have you noticed the lynx green spider in your garden to be terribly aggressive to humans?

Oh yeah, I had one of those too... the spider was long gone... but he left a doozy of a web behind.

Thumbnail by dovey
San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

Mine have never bothered me. I have never tried to bother it either lol! They usually just hang out and hunt. They seem very fond of the brugs as hunting grounds. Makes sense as they are the buggiest plant on the planet.

That is quite a web. I love the orb-weavers. Even DH, the spider hater, likes them-from afar.

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Aggresive? I have these all over my yard and they never seemed to mind having a camera suck in their face up close and personal!


Thumbnail by Xeramtheum
Stephenville, TX(Zone 8a)

Your green lynx has about the same color sense as mine. I thought that since it was just a lynxette with little experience that it didn't know any better than to try and blend in with an orange background. What's the purpose of being all nice and green and then trying to be stealthy on orange petals? Yours is a lot bigger and is still doing it, so there must be something to this. Or not... maybe its why a lot of them don't get big.


Thumbnail by hill5422
Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

Frogs, we had one that would weave his web in Matt's shop every night, M would sit out there and watch the whole process. It was pretty amazing

Great photo X, fabulous contrast against the orange. (Yours too FM)

I don't intend on harassing him/her
I just want to be able to deadhead my roses in peace. *S*
It sounds as if they do a bang up job of eating all sorts of garden pests.
Now if only this critter would eat cucumber beetles I would be ecstatic.

San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

How cool is that? Mine seem to like green to sit upon. They string web in the holes in the brugs for unsuspecting critters to step in and stick.

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

I usually find them on flowers and occasionally on leaf. Colorwise, this is my favorite picture.


Thumbnail by Xeramtheum
St Augustine, FL(Zone 9a)

I've got one on my minneola orange tree. Same spot every day. Just keeps getting bigger. Karen

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

I read that they don't travel much, and if the female lays eggs she won't leave the spot (often won't eat) until they hatch. Seems to be a true statement, the one in my garden is in the same spot every day.

Once more, your photo is amazing.

St Augustine, FL(Zone 9a)

Mine doesn't move off the same leaf. It sees me and sometimes goes under the leaf, but more often than not it just stays put. It is getting bigger every day. Karen

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

Isn't that just amazing... makes you wonder if the never move how did they get there *LOL*

St Augustine, FL(Zone 9a)

Well, it is doing just fine. Today it was holding a bug that it had caught. Karen

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