How well do sweet potato vine and vinca do

Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

in Ga. as perennials? Anyone have any tips? Do you have to dig up the potato tubers? Help please!


Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

Hi Susan, i mulched over my sweet potato vines and two came back. alot of people have said if you dry store them over winter they will come back.

me i usually just buy more of both as they are so readiliy available.

vincas are the same way. they are sold as an annual but depending on the weather can or can not come back. i mulch mine and hope for the best. some have some havent.

Conyers, GA(Zone 7b)

Susan, I just signed up for Dave's site and have been reading some of the older posts. With Vinca, there are the nicely behaved annuals and then the perennial ground cover. If you are talking about the vining type perennial ground cover... Be careful! It can become invasive in no time. That said, it is very hardy and easy to grow in the Metro Atlanta area. Also pretty in spring when it blooms.

Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

Thanks for the heads up!!! I didn't realize that I had both kinds of vinca LOL!! And I still think I need more plants! I have one that came back a month or so ago that I thought was an annual. It has one bloom on it so far. I have the groundcover type in a small bed and a little bit in a hanging basket.
Welcome to Dave's Garden, Oldtownegirl! and thanks for the info!


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