Pickled Green Beans for canning

Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

Pickled Beans
4 lbs green beans
2 cups sliced celery
1 large onion, sliced
1 red pepper, diced
2-1/2 cups sugar
3 cups white vinegar
1-1/4 cups water
1 tablespoon mustard seed
1 teaspoon celery seed
4 teaspoons canning salt (pickling salt)

Wash beans, trim ends, cut into 1-2 inch pieces.
Combine beans, celery, onion, and pepper in large saucepot.
Cover with boiling water; cook 7 to 8 minutes. Drain.
Bring sugar, vinegar, water, mustard seed, celery seed and
salt to a boil. Simmer 15 minutes.
Add drained beans. heat to a boil.
Pack into hot jars, leaving 1/2 inch headspace. Remove
air bubbles. cap and seal. process 15 minutes in boiling water bath.
Yields about 5 pints

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