Monday Morning! Do A Dance Of Joy.....

Philadelphia, MS(Zone 7b)

not for anything in particular but just because we've been given another day to try and get it right! Nothing new here...just thought I'd start the day with DG and you all and see what's happening out there?

JustDeb, give 'em grief girl...(even if they are right)- just for not treating you better. Whatever happened to real customer service?
Judy, you've got gumption and persistance. Hope things start looking up with the brugs.
Lees been to Melbourne and bungi jumped! Wow, talk about bravery (or is that insanity?)
You go girl!
Everybody's as started...the temp has dropped a couple of degrees - of course humidity has made up for it.....only a few more weeks til Fall RU! Ernesto is churning away. People were in Lowe's buying generators ours last year. DH wouldn't let me go in the garden section - probably 'cause I've been cussin out the plants I have for dying on me! (Now, ya'll know I wouldn't actually cuss - just things like dadgum you - you ungracious plant! Just die why don't ya!) kinda thing
Any news folks?

Thumbnail by msfarmergirl
Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

Grinnin' at you this morning Deb...

I slept much later than I normally do, I was tired!!

More plant problems ... the wisteria is dying. I like the idea of the wisteria dying cause it's trying to take over and should never have been planted as close to the house as we did but... wisteria is like bermuda grass, it's mega hard to kill. That being the case looks like it's got a potent bacteria or viral infection which I need to identify and resolve before it spreads to everything.

Deep sigh, before I post pictures here a DG and get the Ag Agent on the telephone.


PS This is Eve doing her good morning grin, right before she goes into her Bully Butt Wiggle happy dance.

Thumbnail by judycooksey
Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

Wait a minute.... I just read Lee's been to Melbourne and bungi jumped!
Oh My!!


Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

No Judy wouldn't bungi jump but...
When I asked her to go on a hot air balloon ride, she said, "Yes, whenever..."
So the next morning we met the pilot at 5 and by 6 we were in the air!
And for an hour of euphoria, collecting tree leaves (from the top of the tree), and a couple of 'splash and dash' where the pilot would let the gondola dip into the local ponds, we had fun!
Since it was our maiden voyage, we had to be baptised with champagne!
That was eighteen years ago. Love makes you do crazy things, eh?

Thumbnail by BigDaddy99
Nashville, TN(Zone 6b)

Hi All... Well been running all day and popping in now and then with a short post.
Judy and BD I can see you in the Balloon. I love to watch them fly over. They seem to float with the breeze, I never tried it, and don't intend to at my age. LOL Bungi jump?? No not going there either.
I would like to try to scale a wall. Don't remember what they call it but I have watched son, daughter and granddaughter do it and One of these days I am going to surprise them and my self and climb the wall. LOL

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)


The hot air balloon would be easier than the wall, trust me!!! lol lol


Philadelphia, MS(Zone 7b)

BigD and Judy - you two are so COOL! Just heard back from an email I sent to the "event folks" in Greenwood, MS asking about their annual balloonfest. My DH has been promising to take me ever since we moved back here but something has always prevented us from going. I emailed them MONTHS ago (turns out they had a computer crash or something) Anyway, they no longer have the balloonfest there so I guess I'll have to find one somewhere else. That's on my list of things to before I get too old!
Deb (not quite as chipper as I was at 7AM)
Judy, is there a blight at your place or something? I know you can't be handling it as nicely as it seems (can you?)
Guess what folks, I've been spying a purple wisteria at the corner of a lot on Hwy 19 toward Philadelphia (from our house). I asked my DH the other day to please just stop one day and ask the folks if he could take some cuttings (it could use a little trim). I know the folks in the adjoining property but not the one the tree is on. Tonight at the funeral home, my sweet DH asked the folks if I could have some clippings and they said "come anytime and we have some more plants and things we can divide with you!". If it hadn't been a funeral home - I really would have done the dance of joy! It turns out that the property belongs to their daughter (who knew) and it is a very very old crape myrtle that was given to the Mom (the one I was speaking with) a long time ago. It is a beautiful shape and color. If I wasn't such a hermit these days - I'd have known all of this already! Now, to get out of my shell and actually go over one day to get the cuttings!

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

Oh My..... plant it on the back 240.... mine is trying to come in the windows and take over the house. It's the native wisteria. Wish I had never planted one of them much less three. I have another which is much nicer. When we meet Friday I can bring you a small plant?? I don't think it would kill it if you stuff it in a saddle bag and if it did I could always USPS you one.


Starkville, MS

msfarmergirl - Decatur, AL has balloonfests every year. I'll check with my brother about times if you want, or you might be able to google it and get their schedule.

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)


Re wisteria, dang I keep forgetting the mites could on everything, but if you don't get one this fall I'll have plenty come spring.


Philadelphia, MS(Zone 7b)

Judy, don't worry about the wisteria...we have them down in the woods, I keep transplanting them and the goose keeps eating them.
Ginni, thanks for the info. Please let us know. We really want to go. I love all of the colors and I really want to ride one. Don't think I'll get DH in one, however, he HATES heights. Don't tell him I said so - you know, he's got that biker reputation to uphold.

Starkville, MS

Mark your calendar for next Memorial day. The Decatur balloonfest is that weekend every year. It isn't a huge one but has plenty of color with a sunrise lift off on at least one of the days.

We must be sure to avoid setting our Spring round up on that weekend!

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Deb - what a nice start to the day. :-) Work has kept me so busy, I haven't had time to log in a few days. Worked 15 hours straigh yesterday,only to turn around and work 10 today....I think it's time to change jobs. No vacation (again) this year, and I lose it if I don't use it. That will make 6 out of 8 years that I didn't get any vacation time *sigh*

bikers? skydivers? balloonists? Wow, you are an exciting bunch! I made a cross-over cable exciting....LOL

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