Can you compost dog waste?

Lake Dallas, TX

Can you compost dog waste? Preferably in a large container with a tight fitting lid so I dont have to smell it. We have 2 yellow labs and a tiny yard. I've read about prefab units that use Rid X but they are kind of expensive. I'm wondering if a large storage bin would work the same. What kind of substrate would you recommend?

Peoria, IL

See this thread:

One can compost dog waste, just like any other manure...

North Vancouver, Canada

Hi there - I teach composting up here in Vancouver, BC, and while you can technically compost dog waste, you probably don't want to be using the compost on anything edible (obviously!). Here's a link to instructions for a homemade 'doggy waste digester' from one of our local compost education agencies: Hope it's helpful!

Lake Dallas, TX

I am going to try it in a container, not in the ground. What kind of substrate should I use? I was thinking store bought compost or manure. I will add in lawn clippings and kitchen scraps (veg).

Peoria, IL

You need to add more browns to compost dog waste.

A generalized compost mixture is 30 parts carbon (brown material) to 1 part nitrogen (green material).

The dog waste is primarily a green. So you need to add browns.

The browns that I use primarily are shredded junk mail, shredded fall leaves, sawdust and an occaisional bale of straw (usually acquired free after the halloween/thanksgiving displays are dismantled).

Lawn clippings and kitchen scraps are primarily a green. So if you add that to your dog waste, which is a good idea... you still need to balance that out with alot more browns.

If you have too much green you will get odors. A properly balanced compost with pently of browns should have little, if any, odors.

And anytime we discuss the decomposition of mammal waste, I like to post the link to the Humanure Handbook. Mr. Jenkins composts his families waste and uses it on edibles and has been doing it for over 20 years. His book is a great read for any composter.

Lake Dallas, TX

Would shredded office documents count as a brown? I think we have tons of it at work.

Peoria, IL

yup shredded office documents will count as a brown.

Toner ingredients are typically iron oxide and styrene acrylate copolymer. A pure organic gardener may not want toner ingredients in their garden. But if you use it strictly on ornamentals or are not opposed to trace synthetics in your garden - then office documents would be fine.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

how about all those glossy papers(advetising and coupons) that you get in the mail?

I have been wondering?


Peoria, IL

My local curb side recycling program picks up newspaper. So all of my newspaper and the inserts gets recycled through that program.

I do compost glossy junk mail. I shred it first. The glossy stuff has a wax type coating that doesn't break down very well, unless you scratch up the surface.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

joepyeweed, thank you. I have held off buying a shredder until I found out about the glossy paper. i have wasted alot of compost material these last two years (since I finally moved into my ownhouse and no more apt. living.)


North Vancouver, Canada

Some good advice here - I'll be interested to hear how it goes!

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