stitch 'n b-t-h meeting

Paris, TX

Hi, everybody!
I am new to Paris, TX. I just bought a book at Hasting - stitch 'n b-t-h The Knitter's Handbook. Around the country they are starting up these cool meetings of knitters. You have a regular meeting place weekly or bi-weekly (I think weekly is great). You get together at a coffee shop or somewhere similar and knit, talk, compare notes, show off your creations, get help, learn to knit, etc, etc.Sounds not only fun but a great way to meet other knitters. Being new to Paris, I could use some new friends, too. Are there any groups all ready out there? If so, when and where do they meet? If not, want to start one? Let me know you input on this. I see jdee is in Paris.

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