8 ball zucchinni plant

Louisville, KY

I am growing an 8 ball zucchini hydroponically on a Waterfarm system. In one week it grew 4 times it size. I will take a pic and post. But yesterday it did not have any lilttle zucchinis and this morning there is one about the size of a huge marble!!

I also have Romas just starting. They are about a foot or so tall.

I am wondering how tall this 8 ball plant will get because I might have to raise my light up. Darn, forgot my camera, won't be able to post a pic till next week! sorry folks.

Anyone growing veggies???

Louisville, KY

This monster is drinking up to a gallon every 1-2 days! How do you know when zucchini is done? can you thump on it like a pumpkin ? I lost track of how many days old it is. Maybe will the connection to the main plant brown out and die? ( I don't think so) I am wanting to try a stuffed zucchini recipe out on these so I hope I pick them at the right time! The pic in the catalog had it next to a pool ball and they were the same size. I guess I will be taking a pool ball with me to measure it up! lol

Thumbnail by forevereden
Louisville, KY

Now I feel bad because this crosses over into the veggie forum so I apologize, but here is a pick of the friut anyway......thanks!

Thumbnail by forevereden
Stockton, MO(Zone 6b)

So...did you ever eat it?

Louisville, KY

Nope, it cut it down. I read in my gardening problem book that if it is overwatered that it will produce these beautiful green leaves and fruit that will only get so big then rot. Mine was doing that, so I gave up. I figure that is not a veggie you want to grow by hydro. I was leaving for Mexico for a week too and I didn't want my plant sitter to waste time on it. I am growing Romas now that are just into flowering. Hopefully I will have somewhat of a crop since I just have four plants growing. I have flowers growing all on the others.

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