meyers lemon doesn't fruit

Duxbury, MA(Zone 7a)

I have had a meyers lemon in a pot for at least 6 years now. I've picked exactly one lemon from it. It flowers, but then I only get a couple tiny lemons and eventually they drop off before they mature. Is it really picky about water? If I forget to water it for a day or two, could that be causing the fruit to drop? It has dropped tiny fruit both in the winter inside the house, and also in June when it was outside on the patio.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

I'm no expert, but think they like a fair amount of water, though it doesn't hurt to let them dry out a little between waterings. However, even more importantly. they like a relatively humid atmosphere and like a misting, particularly when in bud and flowering.Carry on with the misting at least until the small fruits look to be developing properly. A little organic feed helps too

Good luck, hope this works

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

You could try the Tropical Fruit forum too for advice. I believe they also need a certain amount of heat to really fruit well--I don't know what your summer temps are like but it could be that it's not warm enough for citrus to really fruit well.

Union City, CA(Zone 9b)

I don't know if it will help on meyer , but I have a comquat that gave me 6 comquats in 6 years . This year I sprayed with messanger and mighty plant 3 times and it is cover with flowers now .
This is also the first year I gave it espson salt [ Gave the whole yard about 1/2 cup per plant with scatter method . I didn't water till next day - I got a few snails with it . ]

Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

Hi Cindy,
I grow all my citrus in pots with great success. Only because I listened to my mother who has the greenest thumb ever. LOL She said that I needed to buy the citrus/avacado fertilizer and throw a handful into each pot EVERY month and water well. (not during the winter tho) and to give them lots of water because being in pots, they cannot go in search of their own. So I deep-water flood the pots every couple of days, (but remember, I am in hot CA and they are outside in full sun) and for several years I have had wonderful crops. Sure hope that helps.

I am putting a couple links here that talk about growing them in containers and also indoors. Maybe something will help. I sure hope something does, that has got to be really frustrating for you! (this site mentions fruit falling off from lack of pollination or unfavorable environment. I did not even think about the pollination aspect. You may need to start using a paintbrush to pollinate!)

Good luck,

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