tomatoes wilting on vine-help!

Somerville, MA(Zone 6a)

can someone help me?
I'm a NEW gardener, tried this year to do tomatoes in pots on my deck as it was more convenient. started late as usual
have tons of tomatoes, large, different sizes really, but they have been green forever and not progressing.
finally today I noticed 3 are wilting, or puckering. it is BRIGHT on my deck some of the leaves are a little yellow but I think it's sun--I dont see any obvoius fungus or insects.
I still have many good tomatoes that I hope will ripen before it's cold.
we didnt have that much HOT weather this year but tons of sun.
is this from watering too much? because the pots (they are huge) seemed to dry out I was watering every day. if I stop the plants wilt and dont look healthy. i was afraid they were dying from lack of water. also I went away some and had the cat sitter water them. maybe from UNDEr watering?
advice to save what's left of the tomato garden I've worked on all summer? thanks! theresa

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Hard to say from the description, but if the tomatoes are exposed to the sun, sunscald is a possibility. The ones covered by foliage should be alright.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Do you notice the wilting most at the hottest part of the day? Try mulching with grass clippings or shredded newspaper. That will help keep the soil and roots as much as ten degrees cooler and the plants will be less stressed, and the moisture in the pots will evaporate more slowly. If tomato plants get too much water the fruits will split.

Somerville, MA(Zone 6a)

thanks to both of you. sounds like it might be the sun on the tomatoes but muclhing would help keep me from overwatering----open to all suggestions! appreciate it!

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

Don't prune them! I've rearranged leaves and tied them so as to cover fruit before, but don't know if that'll work for you...

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