HELP, Saving Hyacinth bean seed and Hollyhock seed?

Crivitz, WI(Zone 4b)

Will someone please tell me what is the best way to save hyacinth bean seed? The freezer? or fridge? Also, how to save Hollyhock seed? I read on here somewhere (cant find it now) that the hollyhocks can get some kind of a bug that eats the inside of the seed if just saved in a package at room temp and they should be stored in a freezer? or fridge? to kill the bug.

I have so many beautiful hollyhocks, all with id tags on and want to save them to make trades. Really need your help.
The hyacinth bean vine has been so beautiful this year and has lots of pods, so I really want to save them too.

Thanks so much, Bev

Thumbnail by plantzoo
Crivitz, WI(Zone 4b)

OOOOOOOOOOPS wrong photo. :0(

This is the one. :0) Bev

Thumbnail by plantzoo
Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Both of these i've saved in the fridge. just dry them out at room temp and then store in a paper envelope in the fridge. Not alot you can do about bugs inside seeds as putting them in the freezer or heating them up to kill the bugs will kill the seeds to.
You dolchis looks really healthy though.

Crivitz, WI(Zone 4b)

Hi Mike, Thanks so much for the info. (Mike, please, tell me, what is a dolchis)?


Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Sorry Dolichos lablab is a name for the hyacinth bean

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