madagascar jasmine

Tucson, AZ

Help!! for any experienced with this vine. I have one and it hasn't died but the bottom is green and as it grows up it is lighter and lighter green and sick looking. What can I do to feed it. Does it take acid fertilizer? Joanie in Tucson

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Without seeing a pic, it sounds like it could be chlorosis, that usually affects new growth not old. Are the leaves lighter green but the veins are darker? That's the typical symptom of chlorosis. I don't usually feed mine with acid fertilizer, but in this case you might try that and add some chelated iron if the fert doesn't already have that in it.

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

Usually when the lower leaves are darker green and the newer leaves are very light green, its a sign of low iron....not necessarily that there isn't iron available to the plant, but that the PH is off and needs to be lowered so that the iron becomes available. Sometimes other micronutrients are blocked as well.

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