Count down to the big day for Wolf

I've been thinking of you and thought it would be fun to start this thread. I know you've been busy and honestly don't have any idea how you have managed to work full time, take on over time, finish off a greenhouse, AND get ready for the big day while caring for all your plants.

My heart goes to you two and I must admit I am very excited for you.

Will you do the honors of starting out with the number of days left so that we can count down for you? We know you'll be gone for a little bit but we'll be waiting to get some nice photos of your big day and hopefully that new greenhouse will be in the back ground.

Sherwood, MI(Zone 5b)

As of today the 28th of August there are 26 days left. Yes have been crazy busy, the GH is virtually done. Just a few asthetic things need to be accomplished. The wedding planning and work takes all the rest of the free time. Oh yeah and completly forgot to say that I got my arm broke in a breu ha ha with a perp last fri. Good timing HUH!

I appreciate the kind words Lauren, shoot me an email when you get time

Broken arm, you poor baby.

Sherwood, MI(Zone 5b)

Yes seems I am a gluten for punishment

25 days left and counting down!

I still feel really bad that of all the times in your life to break your arm that you had the msifortune of doing so within weeks of getting married. That, my friend, sucks.

Sherwood, MI(Zone 5b)

Yes but it seems it does not bother me as much as it bothers my future wife.

3 Days to D Day-
And the music plays--"dada dada dada dada dadadadadada DA!

How's the arm doing?

Final details in place?

Sorry Wolf, I meant to e-mail you but time slipped away on me and I figured you were busy.

So! Today's the big day! God Bless you and your new wife!

Thumbnail by Equilibrium

And here's another image from the Internet so that we can all kind of celebrate your future life together-

Thumbnail by Equilibrium

And another-

Thumbnail by Equilibrium

Here's another celebratory image from the Internet-

Thumbnail by Equilibrium

And who will catch this and be the next lucky lady to find a husband?

Thumbnail by Equilibrium

And who will catch this and be the next lucky man to find a wife?

Thumbnail by Equilibrium

Lemme see, what else did I find to celebrate with you in cyber space?

Thumbnail by Equilibrium

And last but not least-

My heartfelt congratulations to you!

Thumbnail by Equilibrium

Congratulations to Wolf and his new bride! Long life and happiness to you both!

Sherwood, MI(Zone 5b)

Thanks all, just got back from my honeymoon in Maui!! Such a nice place. A few more weeks of cleaning and putting stuff away and life may be back to normal. My plants have been so neglected. Anyone know how to get rid of mealybugs effectively!!

Sherwood, MI(Zone 5b)

Thank you ma'am, Orthene on the way.

It's been a good year for all of us- not.

Did ya see this-

Sherwood, MI(Zone 5b)

My leucos are just plain fantastic at the moment and I have one of the best pitchers of S. 'Dana's Delight' I have ever seen. Luckly the mealys have not got to that part of the GH yet.

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