this vine is popping up everywhere!

Roopville, GA(Zone 7b)

i think this is some type of clematis. it is popping up all over the place! i don't know if it grows naturally here or if someone planted it once upon a time her before we were here. the flowers have a very very light scent that remind me of vanilla. the picture is the vine growing in my yellow bell bush.

Thumbnail by lovesdaylilies
Roopville, GA(Zone 7b)

one more pict. here it is growing in my iris and up the brick wall.

Thumbnail by lovesdaylilies
Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

Wow love that vine!!!

Roopville, GA(Zone 7b)

my husband keeps pulling it up and tossing it but it comes back hehehehe. it has so many blooms!

Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

I would not mind having that just pop up in my garden at all!!!

Dalton, GA(Zone 7a)

Looks like Sweet Autumn Clematis to me. It's all over the place here.

Roopville, GA(Zone 7b)

i think you are right. do you know if it grows wild in georgia?


Roopville, GA(Zone 7b)

thats it!

Dalton, GA(Zone 7a)

Well, you could certainly say it grows like a weed. The wind disperses the seeds everywhere.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

It's DEFINITELY Sweet Autumn Clematis and it is VERY invasive, especially in our growing zones due to the heat combined with high humidity. It doesn't surprise me in the least that you are having problems with it reseeding all over your garden like a weed. I'm getting ready to spray mine with Round-up plus liquid fertilizer mixed together. It should be sprayed while the plant is actively growing.

Good Luck!

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Sweet Autumn Clematis is very pretty, but like Shirley said, it is so invasive. I know I've dug up over two hundred that came up from mine and they're still coming up everywhere although I dug up the one I had two years ago. If you don't dig the roots out, it will continue to put back out. I have one that had climbed up to the top of a maple tree that came up from dropped seeds. I still have them growing everywhere that have came up from the original plant. These are so close to the roots of other plants that I didn't want to kill. I'll try to dig them out this fall when I'm not worried about the plants they're growing on.

This message was edited Aug 25, 2006 11:01 AM

Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

Wow that is invasive ahelms.

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Right, Marie. LOL They're as invasive for me as the swamp Hibiscus that drops seeds and come up every year.

Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

I wish I could say the same for me. I planted one this year but the gophers ate it before it even had a chance!! Of course even had it survived it probably would not be invasive under
the desert conditions I live in

Roopville, GA(Zone 7b)

have any picts. of your swamp hibiscus? i would love to see it.


Jeffersonville, IN(Zone 6b)

I thought I had pulled all of my Sweet Autumn Clematis out of the ground this past spring. NOPE!!! It's back, stronger than ever and starting to bloom. I think it's one Clematis you can't kill!

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

I sprayed the SAC with the first application of Round-up plus liquid fertilizer mixed together. I figure it will need several more applications while it's still activing growing and the temperatures are above 60 degrees. I worst part is trying to get it out of the tree without destroying it and not getting cut by the Holly's prickers!

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

send it to me!!!! i need a vine!!! is it readily growing in shade also....or just in the sun?

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

sticks_n_stones: Be careful what you ask for! Mine is growing on the North side of my house in bright light, not direct sun nor total shade either.

Where is Crosbyton? Don't you have even more heat & humidity for a longer period of time than I do in the Mid-Atlantic?

There should be a sign that reads: "GROWERS of SAC, BEWARE!".

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

These are the hibiscus

Thumbnail by ahelms
Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

A different colored one

Thumbnail by ahelms
Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

i would love some. and if anyone has any rooted ones for postage klet me know.

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

The Sweet Autumn that ate the yucca plant.

This message was edited Aug 25, 2006 11:30 PM

This message was edited Aug 25, 2006 11:40 PM

Thumbnail by ahelms
Roopville, GA(Zone 7b)

oohhhhhhh i love those swamp hibiscus. i think that is what i was admiring in someones yard a few days ago. i would love to have those in my yard!


Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Kelly, I can send you some seeds for a SASBE. I'm in the address exchange.

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

shirley ...i am in the same zone as you...we will be hot till october....humidity is not a possibility here ...we are windy

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Ada: Pretty & colorful Hibiscus! They look very hardy, plus with standing heat & humidity like real troopers. Sorry to hear that the SAC "ate" your Yucca plant. I feel your pain since it is devouring my Holly bush & scaling the "Sky Rocket" Junipers to new heights!

sticks_n_stones: I'll see if any of the SAC that I yank out has any of the roots attached. I don't save any SAC seeds.

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

i would truly love it!!! let me know how much postage you need!!! thank you:)

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

sticks_n_stones: Please do me a favor and contact your local Agricultural Extension Service FIRST and find out from them if SAC is a vine that can be grown in your area. Then please contact me.

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