Million bells as houseplants?

Bensalem, PA(Zone 6b)

This may seem like a really silly idea but I need to know.
Has anyone brought their million bells inside for the winter?
As in growing them as houseplants till the springtime?
My plants are really small. Got them late in the season.
I was thinking of keeping them in my sunroom.
Does anyone think this could work?
I suppose it wouldn't hurt to try. I was just wondering if anyone else has overwintered them inside successfully.
Also I have read that you cannot grow them from seed. Has anyone propogated them from cuttings?
Thanks again for your help.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I think you can propagate them from seed, the problem you run into is that many of them are hybrid cultivars so they won't come true from seed. So cuttings are the best way to propagate. Sorry, but I've never tried overwintering them so don't have any advice there.

Coopersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

becky - i live about 45min north of you. i would try overwintering in sunroom. it worked for me last year with my silver wave petunias, annual lobelias, coleus, etc. if they start looking leggy, then cut back, and use the cuttings to propagate more. ecrane3 is right - many of them are hybrids adn won't grow true from seed.

Bensalem, PA(Zone 6b)

Thanks to both of you for your help.
I really appreciate it. I'm loving these little flowers.
Helping Hands because you are so close to me I was looking at your photos. Just GORGEOUS!
So apparently you not only have helping hands but you have a very green thumb!
May I ask what your favorite method is for propagating from cuttings?

Coopersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

i hope i'm not too late since our weather is hitting frost warnings. to propogate from cuttings - i take about 4-6" [cutting just below a node] from a good stem and strip the bottom leaves. for coleus, i just stick them in water to root. for petunia types, i dip the stem in a rooting hormone and place it in a hole i've made in a sterile soil mix. i water from the bottom and then place in a baggie or some sort of container to make a mini-greenhouse. hope this helps - there are a lot of resources if you just google or check other dg threads.
p.s. i'll put you on our plant swap list if you'd like. we've been having one for the past 4 years up here in the lehigh valley.
p.p.s. maybe someday we'll soon meet. dd is getting next summer in bensalem and we'll be making trips down there making plans!

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