North Carolina Round up in May

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

What do you gals/men think? I can have it at our place at Kennel's Beach.

In May- week end to be determined

Coffee at 9:00
Plant swap 10:30-12:00
lunch-covered dish at 12:00


Vegas,NV Filbert, SC(Zone 7b)

OH OH OH OH OH I will be in SC in May. I am so excited I almost fell off the chair here. I finally have the chance to go to a round up. I have heard about so many of them and since hardly any one lives near me here I never had the chance. I am game. I will need directions though. How far is Kennel's Beach from Charlotte?

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

Its near Havlock and Beaufort/Morehead city that area. Or you can say 14 miles from Oriental. Just arounf the corner from Araphoe and Minnisott.
It is on most maps if you look it up.


Vegas,NV Filbert, SC(Zone 7b)

Okay, I looked it up. Its about an 8 hour drive according to google. That is doable.

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

Carat where will you be comming from? Its 2 hours from I-95 at the 70 East exit.


Vegas,NV Filbert, SC(Zone 7b)

Just outside of Clover, SC. I googled my address to Oriental, SC. It took me up a ways so I know it over averaged my time and I drive a bit faster then they think I should. HUSH, dont tell!!!!!! So I was figuring closer to 6 hours with a couple stop and sees built in. Now to slowly break the news to hubby and get him use to it. I started last night with "Gosh, I really wish that they would have a round up within a days drive to us. I REALLY want to go and meet all my friends." He just apologized that he couldn't do anything to move you all closer. Ha Ha, he is baited.

All you men out there, forget what you read above. We really dont do this. This is a once in a lifetime only me thing....

New Bern, NC(Zone 8a)

That sounds wonderful, and I would love to come if I am back from my winter boat trip by then!
We almost bought a house in Minnesott Beach, but ended up closer to New Bern in Fairfield Harbour. Love the Oriental, Minnesott and Kennels Beach area.


Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

Entie a friend of mine has or did have a place in Fairfiled you are just up the road from our place. We are off 55 a little ways.

Burlington, NC(Zone 7b)

Lavina - I'm gonna put this on my calendar. Your place is in my back door from Downeast homeplaces. My son graduates this year - so depending on the date you pick will determine if I can join you. Sounds great!!


New Bern, NC(Zone 8a)

LavinaMae - Is your friend a DG'er? I live on the "dark side" of Fairfield Harbour (the side without a person at the gate)

Are you building a house in Kennels Beach, or moving into an existing place?

Tryon Palace in New Bern has a wonderful historic plant sale twice each year. I miss the spring sale in April because I'm away on my boat, but the fall sale will be October 13 and 14 this year. Many lovely plants that can't be bought in nurseries. I have bought two fig trees, a toad lily, a lovely loose-structured shrub with tiny pink orchid flowers that I don't know the name of, and a number of other nice plants.

The Round Up sounds like so much fun - hope I can come!


Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

I not sure Wanda has ever planted a plant in her life.LOL
I know they have a boat and a Boat slip or what ever the dock fee thingy is.
Ohhh we have had a place there since 2001. And go down about ever 3 or 4 weeks.I love it there. We do have a resident bear that comes by.
We are 8/10th of a mile from the water which makes it so nice and I have a big yard.


New Bern, NC(Zone 8a)

A question from this newbie- why is my name (Entlie) green, and yours are blue?


Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

I don't know but on this end yours is blue and mine is green. Never noticed it before.


Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Testing. Testing. I once wrote a song called "Green and Blue" I gotta post and see which color I am!!


Edited to add, "I'm GREEN!"

I guess when we see our own post we are green? And others get the blue?

This message was edited Aug 21, 2006 8:54 PM

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

Hey Shoe what do think about my idea?
And I hear you have done some recordings. Do you sing or is it comedy or both?


Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

What do I think of your idea? I think anytime a bunch of DGers get together there is a great time happening! (I've had 3 vacations in 13 years and all three were at DG Roundups, one in Tenn and two in Ky.)

I think everyone would have a great time and now that we are getting more and more Carolina folks then a Carolina Roundup is bound to happen, eh?

As for me singing?....hah! If I were to sing you'd laff your head off, so I suppose it's both!? *grin


Burlington, NC(Zone 7b)

Don't let Shoe fool you. He's an excellent talent - and the #10s is plumb entertaining...

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

LOL OK any volunterers on maybe ideas and helping a little? I have never been to one but it looks like fun. Mostly all we need is people plants to look at or trade and food.
An a good week end with no rain.


Cary, NC(Zone 7b)

I'll watch this thread for news of the round-up. I might be ready to trade plants by then. I wanted to point out about the green vs blue names. It seems that users appear in green when you have looked at their profile. Try clicking on a user's name in blue, then come back to this page, Refresh, and voila, their name is now green.


Raleigh, NC

I can do May except for all the graduations going on then (lots of nieces and nephews..). Depends on the weekend. Sounds like great fun. FYI, Horseshoe, you are green and I don't recall ever looking at your profile..but its possible I did. Maybe you are just a green kinda've person...(which is, of course, better than being "blue" all the time....). I thought it was green only when you were looking at a thread where you had posted something--your posting being green, and all the rest blue. Since you are green today, my theory can't be correct.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

yotedog...wonder if my green thumb has spread all over me!?


Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

Well right now you are all blue but me. LOL


This message was edited Aug 25, 2006 2:11 PM

Raleigh, NC

Today, we are both green Horseshoe...go figure....

Efland, NC(Zone 7a) weird (again). I still show green, today you are still blue.

Oh well...maybe it'll be the Carolina Roundup "theme"...we can all dress in either green or blue and then guess who we all are? *grin

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

Well if it helps I'm green from here but you all are blue today. A green blue theme sounds great .
How about Blue Heaven and a Green Thumb.

LOL or Green Envy under Blue Skys

Now you got me going.


Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

So is this roundup going to be in May 2007? Why wait so long? Just curious. And by the way, any time that you click on a person's name to send a dmail or look at their profile, they will be green from that point on, or so I've been told. That is the way it works for me.


Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

I put down May so people could have plants ready to trade in case they have none now . Also I need to find out how and what goes on at these things as I have only read and looked at pictures.

I read on one they have coffee at 9:00
swap at 10:30 and lunch at 12:00

Does that tell you how much I know?LOL


Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)


I've only been to one in CA and that was about the same way things were done. At that one all the trading was done early and then we had a cookout. You seem to have things pretty well under control. Keep up the good work.


Vegas,NV Filbert, SC(Zone 7b)

Okay, going to pop in here. How does the swapping go????

This message was edited Apr 20, 2007 5:01 PM

Landrum, SC(Zone 7b)

I think I am in big trouble - first of all, everyone's name is in blue and mine is not there. Of course I have not looked at this this thread before but I have been on the Carolina Gardening forum before. And what happens if you have no plants? Heck! Why do you'all think I joined this? I have lost most everything I have planted. No neighbors with much interest in gardening and the local landscapers have all given me different advice and sold me different plants. Obviously they were counting on repeat business - which they got for a lot of years! Now if you would like some small sweetgum trees I would love to bring you several hundred of those. :) Or for the crafters, I have thousands of the gum balls. :)

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

We will have to get up with shoe to find out what really happens I know he has been to a few.
Mollie I think just comming and having fun is appropriate.Its all for fun and meeting people. I would love some gumballs as I made wreaths and sold them years ago. A good crafty florist would love those things also. One year I made about 15 wrearths and added them here and there to the decoration and sold them all at my son's Christmas Tree lot.
One guy told me he goes to Tommy's lot just to see what I have done in the way of crafts. This year I have had no time so don't know what I will do . We are packing to get ready to move to the coast and also have all the floors in the hoiuse sanded.


Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

The only RoundUps I've made it to have been for 3 days...not sure LavinaMae could handle us all that long!

Many one-day RoundUps happen all the time though and folks love them! Normally (from what I've read in the Roundup Forums) they are pretty laid back and tend to include swapping plants or giving plants; having either a pot luck meal or they all agree on take-out food (KFC, BBQ plates, etc) and have it brought in so there is no time wasted having to spend the day cooking. (Pot lucks seem to be the way to go if people aren't traveling too far and can keep their dishes fresh.)

Sometimes there might be a speaker/topic; sometimes a short "class" (taking cuttings, pottingup plants, the fine art of standing on your head while whistling Dixie and eating crackers at the same time, or some other ordinary happening).

And of course, plenty of time is just for sitting around gabbing or perhaps going as a group to a local nursery, museum, park, etc if time allows.

So...basically it can turn into whatever the people determine it to be.


Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

Thank s Shoe that sounds great.


Landrum, SC(Zone 7b)

Sounds like a ton of fun! Lavina, were you serious about the gumballs? I could bring several large garbage bags of them. More if I had the patience! Heck, just noticed the month! I will suck my grandson into this and could get more if people would really be interested.

Vegas,NV Filbert, SC(Zone 7b)

OHHH Shoe are you going to give the lesson on the fine art of standing on your head while whistling Dixie and eating crackers at the same time. I will make sure to pack the video camera for that lesson, so I never forget it.

surfside beach, SC(Zone 8b)

We hosted a roundup last year on Sept.24 at our farm in the NC mountains.We had a great time!Only a few people came but those who were there were the best.Most came only for the day but some stayed over and although no body camped they could have.Everyone left with lots of plants and seeds,even those who had little to trade.We had only one meal and everyone brought something.It was a short but wonderful experience.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

CARAT...Not Me!!!

I was just throwing out the suggestion, figgering LavinaMae would spend the Fall and Winter months practicing so she'd be able to do that come RoundUp time!


Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh Shoe,

I was looking so forward to seeing you stand on your head while whistling Dixie and eating crackers at the same time. I think we could all share in some precious moments while doing that, and even swap a few plants while doing that too. It sounds like we are all going to have a lot of fun at our upcoming round up. I'm really looking forward to it.


Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

OK this is the 3rd time I have heard the eating cracker whistlin Dixie now you tell me shoe was standing on his head at the same time also?

It has been suggested we have the round up sometime other than the month of May as its graduation month and the growers biggest month of the year. What do yall think?


This message was edited Sep 9, 2006 4:26 PM

Vegas,NV Filbert, SC(Zone 7b)

I dont care when so long as it happens.

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