unknown beauty on the coast of Cornwall

Gent, Belgium(Zone 8a)

My brother has been on a trip to Cornwall. Among the beautiful shots he took was the picture of a lovely blooming plant that grows along the coast of Cornwall. Although he has a large knowledge of plants as a landscaper architect he couldn't identify this beauty. Can anybody help us finding its identity ?
Thanks a lot !

Thumbnail by bonitin

Hi Bonitin, looking at the seed spikes I would think it's some kind of wild Geranium, and very pretty too. I wonder if the foliage is scented or has a 'Geranium' type of smell to it. I found another kind of Geranium growing wild when I was over in Estonia (see the picture) the flowers are very small but foliage is strong smelling. I really like these little wildflowers, don't you?


Thumbnail by Terri1948

Looks like a Spurry to me. There are at least 5 species of Spergularia that occur here, several pink in colour, so it will be hard to pinpoint the exact species.


Sheffield, United Kingdom(Zone 7b)

Yes, I also think it is a spurrey. I live so far from the coast that I have to look up a lot of the plants when I'm on holiday, and then have forgotten them the next time I go.

Hope you enjoyed Cornwall.

Gent, Belgium(Zone 8a)

Thanks all of you for your reply!

Terry, I think that Baa and Patbar have it right.

I love the picture of your pretty wildflower, but are you sure it is a Genarium ? I looked in one of my wild plants books and it looks very much like the Common Stork's-bill (Erodium cicutarium). Could that be ?

Baa, thanks for the link, the beauty of Cornwall is definitely a Spergularia and from the pictures in the link it looks very much like the Spergularia marina (is the Latin word marina not related to the sea ?) that would also be the most logic as it was growing along the coastline of the sea.

Patbarr, it was my brother who was the lucky one to go on a trip to Cornwall and he enjoyed it very much!

This message was edited Aug 22, 2006 1:26 PM


Yes Bonitin, I also think Baa and Patbar have it absolutely right!! I'd never heard of this particular plant before but isn't it lovely?
You could be right about the little wildflower that I posted too. I'm far from the expert when it comes to ID-ing plants. I thought it might be a Geranium because of the way the foliage smells but it could well be a little Erodium.
Neither of them would look out of place in a small garden in my opinion. I think they're both lovely.
Thanks for putting me on the right track, I must go look it up now, LOL


Gloucestershire, United Kingdom

I would say definitely one of the Spurrey family. It doesn't look like a Geranium and no classic Geranium seed heads.

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