Love Spring Bulbs? This event in Cincinnati may be for you!

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Today's mail brought an event announcement (and spring bulb order form) from the Cincinnati Civic Garden Center to share with ORV DGers. Reservations by September 3 to 513-221-0981 ext 18.


The September 9, 2006, Schedule of Events includes 3 classes that may be attended separately or as a group ($40) , including:

A Hands-on Bulb Forcing Workshop by Miggie Jacobs and Sally Heckscher ($10) at 10 a.m.

A Panel Discussion "Daffodil Secrets: An Insider's Guide", Featuring Daffodil Experts Mary Lou Gripshover (immediate past president of the ADS), Bill Lee, Tom Stettner and Linda Wallpe, accredited judges of the American Daffodil Society ($10) at 11 a.m.

A Special Presentation by Jason Delaney, Senior Outdoor Horticulturist at the Missouri Botanical Garden, A program discussing the cultivation of hardy and non-hardy bulbous plants for continuous bloom in the home garden. ($25 includes lunch)

Location: The Civic Garden Center of Great Cincinnati, 2715 Reading Road (at Taft), Cincinnati

Thought some of you out there might enjoy the day!

Thumbnail by tabasco
Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Please -- tell everyone you know about this -- it's going to be fabulous!

The SWODS daffodil group is a group of really fun, energetic KNOWLEDGEABLE gardeners, as well as outstanding daffodil growers and collectors. It is not unheard of for them to order a bulb from Ireland, England, New Zealand or Austrailia and pay $60.00 for the single bulb, $35.00 phyto and $35.00 freight, and yet they also know and grow most of the available bulbs most people buy from the Dutch import catalogs like Scheepers, Brent and Becky or White Flower Farm.

They will have a preorder daffodil list available and I highly recommend the following for good garden growth, great cut flowers, and one's that no one else in your neighborhood will likely grow! The price is 3/$3.00 on eachof them and the specialty catalog prices would be nearly 4x higher, and if you thre in freight and phyto, they are 10x higher! They are all from either Australia or New Zealand (except Irish Coffee was bred in Oregon)

'Azzuro' 3Y-R
'Irish Coffee' 3Y-YYO - the petals are the color of Bailey's!
'Obsession' 2W-P
'Tambora Gold' 3Y-R
'Tru' 3W-WWY

I have the list of bulbs they will be selling in a Word Doc -- email me if you'd like to see it ahead of time. You can take the list and go to --> click on Daffseek and you can see a picture of each of the flowers. Tobasco, I looked for a beautiful late pink for you, but Obsession was the only one (and it's not all that late)

If you've never heard Jason Delaney speak, he's wonderful, too, and known to try to have something in bloom outdoors, 11 months of the year in the bulb garden at Mobot in St Louis.


Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Well poo. That's the third event going on that weekend for dh and me. This time we've chosen his folks over my dad. Now I have to weigh in the show? :)

Well, at least we will get to go to Neyland Stadium to see the TN Vols (his family are huge fans!) against the Air Force Academy (dh's alma mater). Nothing quite like a college football game in the early fall.

But I'm sorry we'll miss this. It sounds great!


Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Yes, I am a bummed that I am going to miss it too (we will be at a football game, too, but I am still going to order from the Sale List.

I am a new member of the Southwest Ohio Daffodil Society so I look forward to making their next meeting anyway, even though this one seems to be the really special one.

For ORV DGers who want info on other regional daff societies here in the ORV here is a link I think they all have great sales of special daffodils.

I love daffodils and wish everyone would grow at least a few in their gardens. They really brighten up the (dull) early springs around here!

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