(Zone 4a)

I really have to rearrange some plants and I would really like to do it in the fall. Is fall an ok time to do this?? When do you consider fall? I mean when it is okay to start moving things around? Is early Sept ok? I understand that plants still need a few weeks to root themselves before frost??? Any and all advice would be appreciated. I have about a dozen plants to move and organize. Should I apply some bone meal to the soil as well just for nutrients??

Stratford, CT(Zone 6b)

The best time to move plants are when they are going dormant.

(Zone 4a)

I am so new at this please excuse me for sounding so dumb but does that mean when they sort of dead for the season??

Stratford, CT(Zone 6b)

Yes, but it varies greatly from plant to plant and species to species.

(Zone 4a)

yeah but dont the plants still need to root before frost comes?? You can't just dump them there can you and expect they will be there the next spring?? Ahhh I am so confused on what to do???

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

Plants can still be getting their roots settled in after a frost so you might have a little longer than you think. Down here (First frost date Oct. 15) you can count on roots growing at least until Nov.I don't know zone 4 but if you wait until the individual plants are done for the year. e.g. I would not transplant fall bloomers in the fall.(anemone,asters, mums,joe pye weed)
I would not transplant late summer bloomers in Sept. (cone flower, black eyed susan, garden phlox, hybiscus,etc.)For you, you might consider it in late Sept.But its basicaly a question of if the plant has stopped growing

Some people transplant most anything, any time and just try to keep a lot of soil with the plant and keep it well watered.Of course this is harder for a sunny site than a shady one.
Or you can wait until spring.

I don't mean to confuse you. Its really easier than you are feeling it is.

Good Luck,

(Zone 4a)

Dave I always make it harder than it seems but I guess I just want to be sure I do everything right.....I am weird that way. I don't want to lose any of my precious plants. Thanks for your advice though - I guess I will wait a while longer and then do it. Thanks again for your help :-)

Windham, NY(Zone 4b)

i am zone 4 and i only move spring blooms in the fall. fall blooms in the spring. trees either early spring or early fall. rainy/cloudy days are best. last year i tried moving monarda in the fall and lost a quite a few. best to wait until spring for most.

Shepherd, MT

I am in zone 4 , the best time to replant is in July & early august to insure winter survival, any thing I plant in sept does not make it through our winter

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

Dawn, I hope I didn't come across like I thought you were making a mountain out of a mole hill. Its all very confusing at first as you can see from the range of replies you are getting. Here are some definites:
don't transplant in the middle of a sunny day, wait for a cloudy or drizzly day or at least do it late in the day.
Try to bring as much of the old soil with you as you can.
water much more often after transplanting

Listen to the people in your zone.

(Zone 4a)

Oh Dave no problem at all....actually I found your post informative. And once again I see more great info from you. Thanks.

W Hartford, CT(Zone 6a)


What plants are you moving? Fall is generally a fine time to transplant, with some exceptions. For your zone, I'd recommend getting started soon - being done by mid- to late-Sept. Once the ground freezes, I'd protect the transplants with a mulch of evergreen boughs or straw or hay for the winter - just be sure to pull it off when spring hits!

(Zone 4a)

Okay here is my list of things to move....

bell flowers
mini rose bushes
veronica spicata
russan sage
black eyes susan's

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

Aren't most of those still flowering?

(Zone 4a)

Yes they are all blooming right now...some are dying down a bit though like the black eyed susan's, and phlox......I am not ready to move the stuff now but I was thinking beginning of Sep...things are really starting to cool off around here - you can tell because the nights are getting very cool.

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

I think you would be safer waiting until spring. You're still blooming and your zone-mates don't seem to think its a good idea.

(Zone 4a)

I think you are right Dave and thank you for convincing me to wait - I think most of the stuff I have would be best to transplant in spring. That is why I love it here - so helpful for the newbies like myself. :-)

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