Fall Cucumbers

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Last weekend I planted two cucumber seeds in a HD 5 gallon bucket. They germinated last night and I was wondering if it is wishful thinking for me to try and get cucumbers before frost? How many days does it usually take for cucumbers to grow out from seed until they get ripe? I don't have the seed packet any longer or I would check it. Thanks for any comments.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Depending on the variety I'd go with 50 to 70 days, with good weather and preferably no cold nights!

In the Fall of the year many plants will slow down production due to cool nights so your time frame/number of days to maturity will increase (usually about nine days to two weeks).

If you have them in buckets perhaps you can move them inside if frost threatens, eh?

Good luck and have fun!


Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks Shoe. End of September will be 48 days and end of October will be 79 days. I won't have any problem in September but we do start cooling off here just a bit in October. The night time temps might start to get a little too cold so I may be pushing it. I hope not. Good idea about moving them in if necessary. We shall see... :-)

Los Angeles, CA(Zone 10a)

Merae - you still have plenty of time to get lots and lots of cukes.

surfside beach, SC(Zone 8b)

I planted more seeds 2 days ago.We have no trouble with cold nights for at least 2 months.Wish we did.

surfside beach, SC(Zone 8b)

My new cuc seeds germinated yesterday.Boy are they in a hurry.The older plants that started producing after mother's day now have started flowering again and the pollinators are all over the place.it will be a long time before Fall weather reaches us.

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Birds got to both of the start of my cucumbers. I need to reseed ASAP. UGHH, blasted birds. :-)

Louisville, TN(Zone 7a)

Have you ever tried the cuc salad bush? I had given up on cucs taking over then i read about it somewhere, planted them and i am sold forever now. its a bush type, stays compact and makes long slender "produce dept" looking cucs. the first harvest this year, i pulled 13 off of one bush.

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